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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2009, 07:20 PM
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Re: Diamond2 and Touch Pro2 announced by HTC

Originally Posted by foxnews View Post
that was exactly the point I tried to make. we don't want HTC to put all greatest hardware with high cost which mass consumers can't afford. HTC might run into bankruptcy due to loss.

TP2 with 3.6" screen and the current hardware is fine with 95% of software/app out there (I through in this number so that we can be on the same page)
Sorry, but you're wrong... When you can't even watch a youtube video or video from your SD card without the picture lagging, this device isn't good enough for most consumers.

Look at it this way.. you know what your computer will do today... now imagine going back to the slow graphics rendering of your P2-600 with a 32MB monster card and quake 2... Would that be acceptable? Trust me, it's not.. I have a dual core laptop, a quad core desktop, and a P3-750 file server.. and anytime I try to use the p3 for anything, I want to gouge my eyes out.

We've basically got the P2-600 of cell phones.. Maybe that's caused by hardware, maybe by software.. that's debatable.. what's not debatable is that this phone will have the same hardware and software as the current touch pro/diamond, which means the same problems will be inherent... you don't magically transform your computer into a worthwhile multimedia device by adding a bigger monitor.

There's a reason everything gets compared to the Iphone.. it's because the Iphone does what the mass market wants, and it does it well... The touch pro isn't as user friendly as the iphone, nor does it do any multimedia tasks (web surfing, youtube, video, games) as well... This upgrade is a complete waste if it doesn't put the TP2 on level ground with an iphone from a performance standpoint.
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