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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2007, 09:57 AM
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Windows Mobile 5 Vs. Windows Mobile 6

Found this at gizmodo.com.

Its a features comparision of wm5 and wm6. Read the pdf to know if it is worth upgrading your ppc or smartphone or pda to wm6.

gizmodo link:

direct link to pdf:

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2007, 01:08 PM
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Yep... note that (as noted elsewhere) all these wizbang new messaging features other then the new keyboard shortcuts only work with exchange, and only with exchange 2007.

Internet sharing is the same in AKU 3.5 and WM6. And Windows Live is just the same app in ROM. Voice Command is still an addon.

That leaves Mobile Update (which sounds useful) and Marketplace (whee! more ads!)


Summary - if you use exchange email, and your IT dept. upgrades to exchange 2007, you'll get a handful of features that should have been there 5 years ago. And you'll get mobile update.

This is not, as they say, the iPhone killer release
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2007, 12:49 AM
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Yeah but for the messaging/Exchange intergration, it's just incredible.

Let's not kid ourselves here:

Microsoft's intention with WM6 is to target RIM/Blackberry (that's why it was called "Crossbow" btw)

The iPhone is meant to target a new, niche audience (with money)

They are not competing with each other and the fact is WM is mostly shaped around it's business use, not consumer...although that is starting to change.

To see some of the features, read:

or watch this Vid :
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