CDMA Touch Pro Gets FCC Certification
Article can be found here on Engadget: http://www.engadget.com/2008/06/30/h...n-cdma-flavor/
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Re: CDMA Touch Pro Gets FCC Certification
You do know that there has not been any real info on a American GSM version yet right. As it stands, the CDMA version may be out before a GSM version with a radio that will work to its best potential in the US. I think it is great.
Re: CDMA Touch Pro Gets FCC Certification
I have to agree. its more pathetic how behind the rest of the world we are. and i have no problem waiting for this GEM ^_^
Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Re: CDMA Touch Pro Gets FCC Certification
I just found this and hadn't seen it here yet. [HOLY COW: ROM: 512 MB & RAM: 288MB]
A nice display. What a gorgeous device. I'm putting off a few purchases so that I can get this when it comes out.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. |
Re: CDMA Touch Pro Gets FCC Certification
Yup, it looks AMAZING... can't wait for this thing. Any more launch rumors? In the Sprint Diamond thread there's a slide leak that shows it as September 2nd (for the Diamond), wonder if the Touch Pro will be close to that date as well for Verizon CDMA?