If you read the fine print in all that, it basically says that they will unlock your phone for you (give you the MSL code) once you have fulfilled your obligations of your contract. After that they'll give you the unlock code. That's great, but unfortunately the other carriers haven't taken up the idea of letting you use other carriers phones. (You can use a Verizon phone on sprint if that phone supports sprints services, but you can't use a Sprint phone on Verizon.) At least Sprint is making the effort to educate their reps on how to add new ESN's to their database. What would be really great is if other carriers would do the same.
Sprint Affiliate Sr. Technology Specialist
Current Devices: Sprint HTC Hero (Advocate Phone), Sprint Touch Pro 2 (Personal) Previous Devices: Sprint Touch Pro, Verizon VX6800, Sprint PPC-6800, Sprint BlackBerry 8330, Sprint Centro, Sprint PPC-6700, Alltel PPC-6700, XDA Orbit, Sprint Treo 700p |
try reading these threads
http://www.dslreports.com/shownews/79840 http://www.dslreports.com/shownews/S...-Lawsuit-88857
Loving my rooted Droid X
to add to xmind2006....
For reasons you would not normally suspect (performance being one of them) Carriers like Sprint, Verizon and others (not all carriers, but many) use a pre-approved ESN/IMEI list for activation. Meaning that regardless of if your phone is "unlocked" or not if its not from their pre approved serial number list it doesnt activate. Short of "cloning" a phone i dont know of anyone who has gotten around this. As many of you are seeing with different ROMs PRLs and PRIs, carriers sometimes have to "build" a handset for a market where it will perform optimal in those specific topographic conditions. So "locking" a handset is in some cases an attempt to keep poor performing unapproved equipment from ruining a subscribers experience. Different versions can be more than update differences, sometimes its diff builds for diff performance needs (this is partially why there are so many different radio rom experiences, newest works fine for me here, but may not for you where you are). It really means little for us as we already can generate the MSL for most WM5 WM6 phones which allows us access to the NAM which in turn allows me to program any carrier info into the handset i want. FYI - for those who dont know RUIM - think of a SIM card on stereoids, storing all your info, swappable to any handset.
Are you one of us?...Or...Are you one of them! Only you can decide... http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?p=96301
Last edited by canospinach; 10-28-2007 at 01:58 PM. |
This is cool news. I hope it opens up the door for a more universal system like GSM.
BTW, I moved this thread to the Off topic forums as it is not Apache or PPC specific. ![]() EDIT: Thanks for merging the thread I moved with this one. Never saw this thread. ![]()
'If it ain't broke, don't fix it,' unless you're a tweaker, and in that case you already fixed it ten times and it's still broken. - Dave Mustaine
http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n...1249020923.gif http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n...1249020658.gif Last edited by budney; 10-28-2007 at 07:44 PM. |
the article states you can use non-sprint phones on its network too... but it wouldn't make any sense to me, you wont be able to use most if any of sprint exclusive features, and all verizon phones have their os on it.... and no GSM and CDMA is still not compatible.... i guess what im saying is.. aside from most other companies, Verizon would probably be the worse to work with any other carrier.
"The company also will add information about the locking software and how to obtain the unlocking codes in the list of terms and conditions of service given to new customers, and instruct its customer service representatives on how to connect a non-Sprint phone to the Sprint network."
Last Result: 3 Signal Bars Tp2
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I watch too much cspan. and I saw the bill, all the house reps were pissed they couldn't get the iphone with their carriers. so they talked of a bill to allow customers to take their phone from carrier to carrier. seemed like it was a done deal. then at&t gave all the whiners iphone and 2 years free service. that shut them up quick. now the bill has all sorts of loopholes for the carriers. glad our congress is representing us so well
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