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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2009, 12:54 AM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

I think Verizon had overall the best lineup, ATT second, sprint third, and tmobile last

but with the release of the hd 2 i think sprint will soon be last
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2009, 05:58 PM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

I'm going to go ahead and say the ENTIRE US CELL MARKET is rather stale.

Where's my Snapdragon or Tegra phones? How many more piddly refreshes for every carrier are we going to have to sit through before we can finally get hands on with some fresh hardware?
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2009, 07:56 PM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

Originally Posted by basilray View Post
I'm going to go ahead and say the ENTIRE US CELL MARKET is rather stale.

Where's my Snapdragon or Tegra phones? How many more piddly refreshes for every carrier are we going to have to sit through before we can finally get hands on with some fresh hardware?

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2009, 09:13 PM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

Originally Posted by basilray View Post
I'm going to go ahead and say the ENTIRE US CELL MARKET is rather stale.

Where's my Snapdragon or Tegra phones? How many more piddly refreshes for every carrier are we going to have to sit through before we can finally get hands on with some fresh hardware?
AT&T has the lg expo thiers ur snap..

beyond that lol well we just arent worthy I guess here in the states for some reason
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2009, 03:14 AM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

AT&T can go to hell with their $30 data. Now what are we talking about? Sprint and their compelling lineup of smart phones, right. I got four line with sprint sero, that's the only reason I'm still with them. T-mobile looking really good now that HD2 is going to be on the list soon. Still love my TP2 I really wish sprint didn't charge so much for it. All and all I guess grass always greener on the other side. I'll be sprint for awhile even though my contract is up.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2009, 04:05 AM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

So you got a TP2 and an expired contract? Nice.
Disclaimer: The truth is obvious.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2009, 10:04 AM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

T Mobile seems to be the clear winner here. Lowest prices, pretty good coverage (In a giant city like mine all 4 carriers get good reception except my friend with a bran new iphone 3G still can't get data at work) You can unlock almost any GSM phone to use it on T Mobile and the phones don't cost twenty thousand clams. I'm starting to think about leaving sprint for real.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2009, 10:56 AM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

Originally Posted by akayareal View Post
Sprints line up is probably very appealing to someone who is stepping into the smart phone world for the 1st time but for anyone who is constantly looking for the next best phone it sure isnt.

This will play a major factor in there success of there WiMax role out. Will they be able to raise the bar and flood the market with affordable to top notch smartphone headsets from various manufacturers?
Sorry to tell you but I worked for Sprint for 6 years and was recently fired for a customer service complaint..... B.S. ..... but they don't plan on releasing any phone with their 4G technology any time soon. Crazy I know I think they really think Clear (sprints venture into 4G wirless home servicea) will sell enough service and eat up enough bandwith that it wouldn't be smart to put it on phones. Because you know people are always watching video on our smart phones, but hey I guess if Cingular has a problem with the 3G Iphone eating up bandwith sprnt doesn't want to have the same problem
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2009, 11:12 AM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
T Mobile seems to be the clear winner here. Lowest prices, pretty good coverage (In a giant city like mine all 4 carriers get good reception except my friend with a bran new iphone 3G still can't get data at work) You can unlock almost any GSM phone to use it on T Mobile and the phones don't cost twenty thousand clams. I'm starting to think about leaving sprint for real.
Same here, I'm on Sero and I have the Touch Pro and I'm bored of the phone but Sprint seems to mess up alot especially with the customer service area.

My phone doesn't get good data in my job and I'm thinking of a new phone but Sprint phones are quite expensive.

I'm thinking about t-mobile as well.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2009, 01:04 PM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
T Mobile seems to be the clear winner here. Lowest prices, pretty good coverage (In a giant city like mine all 4 carriers get good reception except my friend with a bran new iphone 3G still can't get data at work) You can unlock almost any GSM phone to use it on T Mobile and the phones don't cost twenty thousand clams. I'm starting to think about leaving sprint for real.
If we're talking plans for PDA/Smartphone, and line up of smart phones, Sprint still has the lowest price planwise. Even at 39.99 for T-mobile's cheapest 2 year contract plan, you have to add a $30.00 Data package, which brings the total up to $69.99. Any person can go to sprint.com/sero with the leaked vp e-mail + CID and get a data packaged plan for $59.99. This also does not include SERO, which technically doesn't exist.

As for smartphone lineup here is the full line-up:
Verizon: Motorola Droid, HTC Omnia, Samsung Saga, BB Storm, BB Storm 2, HTC Imagio, Omnia II, HTC Diamond, HTC Touch Pro 2, BB Pearl 8230, BB 8830, BB 8703e, BB Curve 8330, BB 8530, BB Tour 9630, HTC Droid Eris, HTC Ozone

ATT: Iphone 3G, 3GS, Nokia E71x, Nokia Surge, Samsung Jack, Samsung Propel Pro, LC Incite, HTC Pure, HP iPAQ Glisten, LG eXpo, Nuvifone G60, HTC Tilt2, BB Pearl 8110, BB 8310, BB 8320, BB Curve 8900,

Sprint: Palm Centro, Samsung Ace, Palm Pixi, Palm Pre, Treo 755p, Motorola i920, Treo Pro, Samsung Intrepid, Samsung Moment, HTC Hero, HTC Touch Diamond, HTC Touch Diamond 2, BB Tour 9630, BB Curve 8350i, B Curve 8330, BB Curve 8530, BB Pearl 8130

T-Mobile: TMobile Shadow, TMobile Sidekick, Sidekick LX, T-Mobile G1, Moto Cliq, MyTouch 3G, HTC Touch Pro 2, BB Pearl 8120, BB Pearl 8220, BB Curve 8900, BB 8820, BB 8700g, BB 8520

If you look at the lineups, i'd say blackberry's are a wash, everyone has them. Verizon has the most compelling lineup given the Omnias, Imagio and Storms along with the Motorola Droid. However, to say sprint's lineup is the worst isn't fair, the HTC phones are pretty much standard on every carrier, and sprint carries the Palm Pre, Pixi, Moment, which I would give the nod to anyday over the other garbage ATT is shoveling outside of its iPhone 3gs. I'd say the unique PDA's (which I've listed closer to the front of each carrier listing), Sprint's beat's out T-Mobile as well. It comes down to a matter of preference too, Treos or Sidekicks.

I'd say sprint's line up is pretty good, I wouldn't say great, but it's not the worst.

Also, yeah sprint phone prices are more expensive, but over 2 year contract, even 1 year, you make up the difference in monthly payments which people don't really consider. And if you upgrade in that 1 year increment, you still come out even against other carriers.
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