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Old 11-13-2009, 03:17 PM
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Question Internet Sharing

Hey all. I've tried to find a solution for my problem all over the internet, but all are dead ends or aren't specific to my phone. So, I'm hoping to get a final answer and solution to my problem.

I have a Moto Q 9c on Sprint. I always used to use the Internet Sharing app on the phone to use my phone's internet with my MacBook Pro. I just connected via bluetooth and could surf just fine. Apparently, however, Sprint has recently somehow blocked this from working any more. I get an Alert "Error Code 67 Registration failure." Is there something that I can do to use my phone like the modem that I had been doing for a year prior to Sprint blocking it? I read one thing about editing the registry, but using PHM Registry Editor, I didn't even see the keys that were supposed to be modified or delete. Does anyone have any idea? I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks!
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Old 12-01-2009, 01:52 PM
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Re: Internet Sharing

On my wife's Q9C, we ended up having to install PDANet. I had purchased a license for it back when I had my original Q and it was still good, so I just used it on the Q9C. It's certainly worth the investment in my opinion.
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Old 12-24-2009, 02:10 PM
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Re: Internet Sharing

Originally Posted by abrigham View Post
On my wife's Q9C, we ended up having to install PDANet. I had purchased a license for it back when I had my original Q and it was still good, so I just used it on the Q9C. It's certainly worth the investment in my opinion.
same here... i bought pdanet when i had win6.0 and used ICS in 6.1 untill it was shut down.

i tried searching the registry for key changes/ deletes that worked for other phones, however it seems the Q9c has a different registry
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