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Old 11-05-2007, 04:46 AM
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Fake Cursor on Q9h??

Ok, so I had TomTom 6 for my Treo before, and Im trying to install it. It installs fine, but then I need to be able to change the GPS receiver settings. That is where I run into problems; the version of TomTom6 is for WM6 with touchscreen. I did a lot of research, and came up with this:

Fake Cursor is a program that emulates a mouse pointer so you can essentially "click" on a touch button. The problem? It doesnt work, and the Fake Cursor program seems like it was designed for a 240x320 screen, so much of the dialog box gets cut off.

So couple questions-
Does anyone know of a different "fake cursor" program or an analog of that that will work for the q9h? And also, is the built-in GPS a NMEA compliant device?

Help! I dont feel like blowing another 200 bucks on another GPS Program!
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