Play NES Games on your Q
This is stolen from the hellomotoq forums:
One great app that was originally designed for Pocket PC was PocketNester. This has been skillfully ported to Windows Mobile for Smartphone, and you should be able to get it to run on your Q. An emulator is a piece of software which lets your Q emulate another device. PocketNesterPlus is an NES emulator for your Smartphone. By downloading "Rom Files", which are essentially the files right off of NES cartridges, you will be able to play almost any game made for NES on your Q. First, Do this at your own risk, I cannot make any guarantees for any of the information contained in this tutorial this includes the Legality of the Emulator and the ROM files. You do all of this at your own risk. If you plan on storing any significant number of Rom Files, I would recommend you using a mini-SD card. This tutorial is targeted for installing the application and files on your mini SD Card. Here's the link to where you can find the roms....From what I understand, this is only legal to use if you own the actual games... I may be wrong. Link to HelloMotoQ Thread To install, unzip the file, drag PocketNesterPlus to your internal memory by using the explore feature of activesync. From there, find the file and run it. You will probably need Tgetfile as well to find the roms from Nester. Be sure to go into Option>Display on Nester and put it in Landscape Left mode. You can also adjust your controls from Options>Controllers. Enjoy!
"This is the kind of coincidence that turns tinfoil into hats."
It is fun playing this on the Q, so much better then on the 700wx.
'If it ain't broke, don't fix it,' unless you're a tweaker, and in that case you already fixed it ten times and it's still broken. - Dave Mustaine
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