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View Poll Results: Are you staying with WM?
Converted to Droid X 83 85.57%
Converted to Android 6 6.19%
Waiting for WM7 to decide 5 5.15%
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2010, 01:19 PM
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Re: Any TP2 Converts Here?

Originally Posted by bigant View Post
Just ordered my Droid X and was wondering how you brought over your pim, ie, contacts, calendar etc., btw, my upgrade date was the end of october and when I called in, VZW did the early upgrade today.
I just sync'd my outlook contacts with my gmail account using the CSV file...

Transfer contacts between Outlook and Google Gmail - Outlook - Microsoft Office
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 03:53 PM
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Re: Any TP2 Converts Here?

i was in love with the tilt 1, then got addicted to flahsing and devices. So i would go throw back and buy BlueAngels, Hermes, anything I can get. Then got the fuze. got tired of flashing. then bought a couple of G1 to see what it was all about. Did not have the services since I went to Alltel.

Sold them, traded them and in one deal I got a VZW TP2. Loved it. NRGZ28 is a talented individual.
After I flashed my TP2 with a rom, the radio part would not function and i was not able to get signal, calls, text, internet unless wifi. Since I was able to add this through insurance and TEC on it, I did a warranty exchance. But there was no TP2 in stock and were not planning to get any. They tried to give me an Imagio, I refused it.
They only offered me a Devour. I took it. a couple replacements later, I got a Droid X!!!! I was shocked they sent me that. I thought it would be a D1. so i am loving it alot. As for WM7 it will be a long time before we get a CDMA version of it, so by now I love a full version of android working.

I only wished that the TP2 would have a fully functional android rom i need MMS, GPS, camera and prety much everything that a full functioning device has to offer.

I know you can run Rubuntu, android, flash back to 6.1 and have different flavors of every UI out there with the TP2, but the screen, speed, internal memory, camera, hdmi and everything of Android, will stop me from going back.

forgot to add that I need and want world phone capabilities. So I cant wait for VZW to offer the World Phone Android device, wether it will be from Moto, or HTC, need it and want it (hopefully with the 4G technology)
And I do not want to go back to ATT to get a world phone
Energy Rom GTX 6.5x
Verizon TP2 Sim & Sec unlocked

I am selling some devices check my link at XDA

Last edited by jhr; 09-23-2010 at 03:57 PM. Reason: forgot to add
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 09-25-2010, 06:24 PM
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Re: Any TP2 Converts Here?

Another new Droid X convert here.

The Droid X is so far ahead of anything Win Mo right now, there is no going back for me...
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2010, 11:14 AM
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Re: Any TP2 Converts Here?

I have had three wm devices and the last one was the TP2. I saw the Droid X on the market and invested in one and received it 2 weeks after release date. Now I am on the ota 2.2. Rooted and deodexed with 928Black theme and custom adw Inc-red-ible theme.
Current Phone:
DROID X FROYO Rooted and Deodex 928Black theme
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Verizon Touch Pro 2 MightyROM Sense 2.5 SE, XV6800 wm6.5, Samsung SCH-i760 wm6.1
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 09-30-2010, 11:10 AM
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Re: Any TP2 Converts Here?

Fellow TP2 user here. Will use TP2 as standalone GPS as well as alarm clock and backup phone for when/if I drop Droid X =/

-The whole pleasure of marriage is that it is a perpetual crisis — GK Chesterton
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2010, 11:20 AM
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Re: Any TP2 Converts Here?

Well I took advantage of the verizon promo last night. It was the last day apparently. Basically, buy a Samsung Fascinate and get an equal or lesser phone for free. So, I got the X. I was going to sell the Fascinate and tell verizon I lost the phone or something, but the thing is so damn sexy and thin. But this is a Droid X thread so to talk up that phone I will just say I am coming from TP2 that seems like an outdated, clumsy mess of a phone. Not to say that I didnt like it but its more of I didnt know what I was missing. So far, after a few hours of experimenting with the phone I am impressed, I have only got it to lock up 1 time and it was something to do with NFS Shift. Anyways I am looking forward in really using the X.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 12:32 PM
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Re: Any TP2 Converts Here?

I've been a WinMo user since it came out. Loved my TP2, loved cooking my own ROMs, loved the keyboard... but I am totally enamored with my X - never going back! If we could just get a simple, seamless, sync with Outlook my world would be perfect
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2010, 12:55 PM
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Re: Any TP2 Converts Here?

Ok guys, I've got a serious dilemma on my hands. As most of you in this thread, I have been committed to Windows Mobile for a long time. My first device was the HP iPAQ 1945, and my first actual Windows Mobile phone was the Apache. I've loved the customization capabilities of Windows devices for years. I love that we have been able to tell carriers to stick it with every HTC device that has come out thanks many hacks that enable the disabled features that you would normally have to pay for (GPS, wifi-tether, etc). The minds at ppcgeeks and XDA are incredible.

Having said all that I've come to terms that I need to move away from my TP2. It's just too slow and I don't think I want to wait for WP7. I'm considering getting the Droid X but I have my doubts. First and foremost, it's not an HTC device. I've become very loyal to HTC over the years. How do you all feel about switching to Motorola from HTC? Everyone is talking about how great the switch from Windows Mobile to Android has been, but not about how it has been to move from HTC to Motorola? Maybe it is just me but I've always associated Motorola with the RAZR. I know that's not quite fair but my perception of them is a manufacturer who makes cheap phones. But how can one blame me? They are pretty fresh in the smartphone market.

My second point is the lack of hardware keyboard. Has it really been that smooth for you all to transition? I don't think anyone can argue that the TP2 is simply the best hardware keyboard that has ever been put onto a phone. Anyone who has used it will find that it is very easy to type without even looking, just as someone could on a PC. Is there really that much ease with the on-screen keyboard? Are you able to type without looking? When I type messages, I'm not really the type to use acronyms or "text slang". I like to type out full sentences usually. How often do you find yourselves misspelling?

And for my third and final point...shouldn't I just wait for this phone?:
Gorgeous, mysterious, EVO-ish HTC device headed for Verizon « Boy Genius Report
This is basically the Droid X by HTC. Or you could also call it the Verizon Evo. I'm going nuts not knowing any dates about that phone or even if it will ever materialize, but as you know when you see screenshots like this you can probably expect the phone to release in 1-4 months.

So to all of you, what should I do?

Thanks for reading, sorry for the long post, and I'm looking forward to some good replies.


Last edited by ZuneNinja!; 10-08-2010 at 12:57 PM. Reason: Tidying up my post is all
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2010, 01:39 PM
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Well I was a die hard tp2 user but I just didn't know what I was missing. Just using the droid you see and feel the difference. The phone just works. Apps just don't hang. For the keyboard I have typed this entire msg. With swype, so you can see just what errors might come up.

The screen is far superior then the tp2. I managed to freeze up this droid once because I tried to. Really the best advice you can get is to try it for your self. You really don't know what you are missing until you try it.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2010, 09:24 PM
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I was in the same boat thinking HTC had superior devices. Boy was I wrong, the DX is a nice quality device, no plasticy feel. I was also waiting for the next HTC product, but I'm very happy with the DroidX!

There's no doubt that the TP2's keyboard is great, but you'll quickly get past that with the on screen keyboard! As the above poster, I've typed this reply using the DX.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
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