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Old 06-30-2010, 01:55 PM
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Changing QuickLinks icons on Home / Internet pages in Sense 2.5

Hello all,

I am usually able to figure most of this stuff out, but this one has me stomped.

In Sense 2.5 when you add a bookmark to the quicklinks on either the home tab or internet tab, it will eventually show a thumbnail of the website.

I have found these thumbnails and deleted them.
I also edited the following registry key (this is an example... Home Tab -> Top Row -> Middle Icon = Facebook bookmark for my quicklink)


I have edited this string data to point to the location of a 128x128 PNG file.
After a reboot though all I get is a white square on my home tab where that quick link is.
I have verified that the registry settings stuck after the reboot.

I am running the stock VZW MR2 ROM (WM6.5 / Sense 2.5)

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Verizon HTC Touch Pro 2 XV6875 (Personal)
AT&T HTC Tilt 2 (Work)
TP2 and Ozone customizations
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