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Old 01-18-2010, 11:42 AM
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Exclamation TF3D tabs rearranging (PLEASE HELP)

hi everyone, i have a htc touch diamond from Sprint, and i know all of you people with the htc touch pro2 can rearrange tabs in any order you want. I would love doing that, and i would like to know if there is an app for my phone for me to be able to do that. Please provide a link if you know of any app like that.
Plus, if you help me, i will press thanks on your reply.
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Old 01-18-2010, 12:44 PM
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Re: TF3D tabs rearranging (PLEASE HELP)

your gonna have to upgrade you manila build(version of touchflo 3d) in order to do so. tp2 ships with 2.1(with the icon re-arranger) and custom roms can also provide new touchflo 3d builds. im using 2.5 1922. (Mighty ROM WAR) i also remember using a cab that was made to overwrite any touchflo 3d version to an early 2.1. which was pretty decent, fast, and stable. cant find the cabs tho... ill look around for it and ill post it if i find it.
HTC EVO 4G On The Now Network From Sprint.
Rom: Stock W/ Root (Version 1.47.651.1)

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Old 01-18-2010, 03:20 PM
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Re: TF3D tabs rearranging (PLEASE HELP)

ok thanks for your help. i just have one question: can you provide a link for the download to mighty rom? ive heard about mighty rom, but i dont understand what it does. also if you find a video explaining thing about it on youtube, please post that too.

Thanks for your help though. i really appreciate it. i clicked thanks.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2010, 03:38 PM
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Re: TF3D tabs rearranging (PLEASE HELP)

You really asked two different questions, so I'll answer them separately. First of all, before you can try any custom rom, including MightyRom, your phone needs to be unlocked. You should go into the Diamond Upgrade forum and read the "sticky's" on the correct way to do that. It's not that difficult, but you do need to follow the directions very closely.

Secondly, you asked about how to re-arrange the tabs on Manila TF3D. You don't need to be unlocked in order to do that. I have attached a cab that will install Advanced Config Tool on your phone. Once that is done, go into the program, click on menu, more settings, Touch Flo3D. From there you can select which tabs to show and in whatever order you like.
Attached Files
File Type: cab Advanced_Configuration_Tool_v3.3.cab (282.1 KB, 22 views) Click for barcode!
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Old 01-19-2010, 04:09 PM
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Re: TF3D tabs rearranging (PLEASE HELP)

Originally Posted by wmdunn View Post
You really asked two different questions, so I'll answer them separately. First of all, before you can try any custom rom, including MightyRom, your phone needs to be unlocked. You should go into the Diamond Upgrade forum and read the "sticky's" on the correct way to do that. It's not that difficult, but you do need to follow the directions very closely.

Secondly, you asked about how to re-arrange the tabs on Manila TF3D. You don't need to be unlocked in order to do that. I have attached a cab that will install Advanced Config Tool on your phone. Once that is done, go into the program, click on menu, more settings, Touch Flo3D. From there you can select which tabs to show and in whatever order you like.

Is advanced Config tool safe to use on an Imagio? What other features does it have and what can you modify in TF3D with it?

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Old 01-19-2010, 10:13 PM
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Re: TF3D tabs rearranging (PLEASE HELP)

Originally Posted by Imagio_Now View Post
Is advanced Config tool safe to use on an Imagio? What other features does it have and what can you modify in TF3D with it?

Sure ... it's a Windows Mobile application. It's good for lots of stuff, but I use it specifically for re-arranging Manila tabs and key mapping.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2010, 08:29 PM
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Re: TF3D tabs rearranging (PLEASE HELP)

thanks for your help! i am about to try that right now! Thanks so much! i thought i would have to go and buy a TP2 to get to rearrange tabs. Thanks so much again!
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > Windows Mobile Hacks/Tweaks > Manila / TF3D Tweaks

rearrange tabs, tf3d

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