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Old 06-09-2012, 12:44 PM
pizzaboy192's Avatar
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Pocket PC: LG Fathom, Palm T|X, MotoQ9c, Jornada 567
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LG Homescreen from V7

I've nearly successfully pulled the homescreen from the V7 ROM. Only issue that i'm currently working on is fixing the weather widget. That one won't work. The rest are just fine, and the whole thing works on both my second Fathom with my custom V6 rom, and with the WM6.5 device emulator. Haven't tried it on non 6.5.3 devices, but that will be my next goal.
It's full of extra images that we probably don't need, but since I don't know which ones to throw out yet, i've left in as few as I can get away with, but I feel there are extras that could be chopped out as well.
Not sure why the weather widget is failing unless i'm missing some other file that I don't know about yet. I'll look into that and see.

I've packed it up into a .cab file for anyone to browse through, and a EXT folder for anyone wanting to throw it into their kitchen. I've already removed any useless shortcuts from the homescreen along with the weather widget.

It'll be available at pizzaboy192.com/downloads/ for the .cab file and pizzaboy192.com/downloads/fathomROM/ for the EXT folder.

Let me know if you can help me trim the fat from this pack. It currently weighs in at 12MB, and I feel that it's a bit large.
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