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Old 12-10-2010, 12:04 PM
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IF you can't make a new ROM can you get the HTC Sense UI on this phone?

OK if no ROM is possible... can someone just tell me how to put HTC Sense on it?

I love the touch pro 2 with the Energy cookie 2.0 xmass build.

If I could just have the UI from that phone on this one I would be way happy.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2011, 11:32 PM
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Re: IF you can't make a new ROM can you get the HTC Sense UI on this phone?

Ahh yess, You can do it, thanks to the modders for lg expo. But the fathom is already starved of ram, sense would take up all of it. Also some of the features don't work but if you really want to try it out here are instructions:
LG eXpo - [Update July 1st] How to install HTC Sense 2.5 (includes fix for native LG apps)
i recommend to do it after a hard reset, and back up all your stuff, just in case you want to revert back. I've tried this and well it runs fast sometimes just it runs out of ram some things don't work and can't really run that many other apps. I'm happy just customizing the titanium screen
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2011, 10:15 PM
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Re: IF you can't make a new ROM can you get the HTC Sense UI on this phone?

HTC Sense would be nice...

Do you guys by chance know why the LG Fathom is so starved of RAM?
I had my sch-i760 with Windows Mobile 6.1, and with a nominal amount of 54 MB it had about 30 MB free. I find that the LG Fathom has about 50 to 60 MB available RAM before I run FreeRAM on SKTools, but the maximum amount I had was 79.5 MB or so.

It is rather dissapointing since the nominal amount is...256 MB. Is Windows Mobile 6.5 really taking up that much memory to just run?

Any tips on how to increase the amount of RAM?

Is the Titanium new Windows default screen contributing to this?

  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2011, 06:50 PM
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Re: IF you can't make a new ROM can you get the HTC Sense UI on this phone?

I put sense on my Fathom for a bit and it seems to work fine, but cuts your memory down A LOT. The weather animation doesn't seem to work either.
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