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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-09-2013, 11:45 PM
yigo2413's Avatar
Pocket PC: iphone5
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Join Date: Sep 2013
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Endless zombie killing game. Game gets harder as you kill zombies.

There are 3 kind of zombies :
- Standard Zombie
-Giant Zombie: They are big and have lots of healt point, but walk slowly.
-Small Zombie: They have little health point but they are very fast.

As you kill zombies, you gain money and score.

11 kind of Upgrades:
-Biohazard: Near enemies takes damage over time. (2 phases : Means upgradable 2 times)
-Show Health: You can see zombie's health.
- Bandage: Grants you some health when your HP is zero.(2 phases)
- DeathClock : Can not die for a short time and grants you some super powers.(2 phases)
- Ligts On: Zombies glows in the dark.
- Evil Eyes: Freeze the zombie that you are looking.
- Gun Upgrade: Upgrade clip size, fire rate and reload time.(3 phases)
-Laser Tag: Add laser pointer to your gun.
-Workout: Upgrade your speed and HP.(3 phases)
-Bonus Magnet: Collect bonuses near you.
-Turret: Deploy a turret that target nearest enemy.(3 phases- every phase add fire rate and clip size)

Bonuses: HP , Bullet, Speed (bonuses gives more feature as you achieve achievements).

Video : iZombie - YouTube

Last edited by yigo2413; 09-10-2013 at 12:10 AM.
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