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Old 07-11-2013, 05:52 PM
Vain Media's Avatar
Pocket PC: iPhone
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Location: Los Angeles, CA
Join Date: Jul 2013
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Thumbs up The Chub (by Vain Media) - Official Game Trailer

He's fat and all that.
He bleeds cheese.
He lost his virginity to a burrito.

We're talking about our hero, The Chub, of course.

Hey everyone! Vain Media (aka Team Chub) is releasing our first original IP mobile game soon. Set in Hell, even the afterlife can't stop The Chub from breaking loose and pigging out. The game blends intuitive tilt controls with eating, running and uh...more eating. You can explore 30 levels across 3 worlds (appetizers, entrees, and desserts) for a unique combination of puzzles and action. We've finished the official trailer for the game so we're pretty excited to share it with you. Hope it gives you a giggle.

CLICK TO VIEW VIDEO: The Chub - Official Trailer - YouTube

*Bounce off springs with realistic physics
*Navigate strategic teleporters
*Go on a magic silver platter ride
*Gorge on a trail of food - Hansel and Gretel aint got nothin' on this
*Dodge or kill enemies - how dare they stand in the way of yums?

We're still in the QA process and doing some fine tuning. The iPhone/iPod version will hopefully launch in the next month or two with an Android version following shortly afterwards. In the meantime, you can chat with The Chub directly on the usual social platforms linked on our website: The Chub - Survival of the Fattest.

We also have a mailing list set up so please subscribe here if you'd like to join The Chub Club for updates.

Thanks for looking, everyone! May you dream in buttercream. <3

~Vain Media

Last edited by Vain Media; 08-08-2013 at 07:02 PM.
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  PPCGeeks > iPhone > iPhone Apps/Games

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