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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-25-2013, 08:21 AM
heftyApps's Avatar
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Smile Letter Attack: Fun new word game for iPhone / iPad

Hi all,

thought I would let you know about my first game for iPhone, iPad and iPod which has been released to the App Store recently: Letter Attack

Link to the App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/lett...l=de&ls=1&mt=8

What the game is about:
Letter Attack is a fresh and unique word game that is different from the breed of word games already out there. The game's goal is to clear the game board by creating as many words as possible by using the 42 letters placed on the game board within a limited time. The longer and more complex the words created, the higher the score the player can achieve. There is no requirement to connect letters in a certain order to create words - every letter on the game board can be freely selected to create a given word. But Letter Attack is not only about creating words - Letter Attack also comes with strategic elements by providing the player with smart "helpers" which makes the game even more fun and challenging to play.

✱ Randomly generated game boards for unlimited variety in gameplay
✱ English and German language dictionaries (supporting Umlaute ä, ö, ü) - more to follow!
✱ Powerful word engine and massive wordlists allow for extensive gameplay
✱ Three different games modes (Classic, Rush & Survival)
✱ No need to connect letters in a certain order - unchained gameplay!
✱ Universal app for iPhone (including iPhone 5), iPad and iPod
✱ High quality graphics with Retina support
✱ Game Center implementation - challenge your friends
✱ No internet connection required for gameplay
✱ No login with social networks required
✱ No ads, no In-App Purchases – no annoyances!
✱ Word lists continously updated and extended - send your requests!

I hope you like the game, let me know what you think.

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  PPCGeeks > iPhone > iPhone Apps/Games

game, puzzle, search, word, wordgame

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