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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2013, 06:55 PM
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SwissArmy Cell Phone Case (iPhone5)

So I am trying to find a "SwissArmy" type case for my iPhone5 and it seems that my searching is finding me a bit puzzled. I want a all in one case as I go fishing a lot at the lake across the street from my house and I hate taking a bunch of crap with me down there. I use my phone for music and why can't I have a case that helps me do a little bit of everything like cutting an old line, fixing something small on my rod or reel, may be even pulling out my lure from the fishes mouth. Plus I want to be able to just walk out my front door with my phone in my pocket, ear phones in my ear, and just my rod in hand (especially in case I want to smoke a cigarette on my way down I can have a free hand).

I came across this IN1 Case that I think is going to do the job but they don't offer a knife because they are TSA Approved, so for me it's a plus still as I can just still use my pocket knife. Just wanted to share this pretty cool iPhone5 case with you guys.

In1Case - The ultimate iphone utility case

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-26-2013, 02:41 PM
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Re: SwissArmy Cell Phone Case (iPhone5)

So I ended up purchasing the IN1 Case and it came in the mail today. My gf opened it up and she said the biggest thing that blew her mind was at how thin the case was and she attached her phone to it and she said it was the same size as her slip on and she loved it had a bunch of stuff and tools and now wants me to order her one as well lol. I will write a review and post up pics of it when I get home.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2013, 08:05 PM
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Re: SwissArmy Cell Phone Case (iPhone5)

So I purchased this IN1 case from their website In1Case - The ultimate iphone utility case after basically a few years of hoping for some sort of multiple tool case for my iphone. Well I have gotten it and I couldn't have been any happier with the case. I found this forum doing research for the iPhone 5s and I feel like may be giving back a little bit.

No I haven't received my 5s yet but I did use this case on my 5 for the meantime and it's pretty awesome. The case is not bulky, the tools and features work as they should, the case itself looks pretty cool...I just ordered a starship trooper looking case that is white & black that looks cool.

Well here is the case I got, it's pretty neat and high quality.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2013, 04:12 PM
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Re: SwissArmy Cell Phone Case (iPhone5)

btw just over a month with this case and I am so pleased. I have used it from fixing my RC car to signing tabs at the bar. The case alone has sparked so many conversations at bars, grocery stores, and just among my friends. I totally dropped the ball on posting up some better pics but I ordered a few for my boss and close friends so I will get pics of everyone's cases and post them up and it would be cool since we all have different colored ones.
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