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Old 05-02-2010, 04:14 PM
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[How-To] Backup your iPad SHSH blobs.

This is a tutorial I made for users to help with backing up your iPad SHSH blobs. Why should you do this? If you ever need to roll-back to a older firmware you will need this in order to do so. Hope this helps make it easier for those of you who don't know how to do it already.


1. Download the newest AutoSHSH RC2.

2. Install the itunes, if you haven't already installed. (I used the latest 9.1.1)

3. You will also need the Java Runtime installed to use this application.

Ok so you have taken care of all the above, now its time to backup our blobs.

Backup your SHSH blobs

1. First power your iPad off completely. We have to put it into recovery mode.

2. Next hold the home button and plug-in your data cable connected to the PC. Continue holding until you see the iPad go into recovery which looks like this....

3. Now your gonna want to run the the AutoSHSH-RC2.exe that we downloaded earlier.

4. Click "OK" on the first prompt as pictured below.

5. Click "Yes" on the second prompt if you installed the Java Runtime from above.

6. Click on "Grab my SHSH Blobs Automatically".

7. You will be prompted to save, enter the "File name" and click "Save". Be sure to save it to a safe location, so if you need you can always go back to it.

8. You now have successfully saved your SHSH blobs.
Please read this before posting.

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  PPCGeeks > Other Devices > iPad Series > iPad Development

ipad blobs, ipad shsh blob backup, shsh blob backup, shsh blobs

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