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Old 12-17-2006, 12:16 AM
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GPRS Disconnects

I am going to post this in the Wizard Forum as I use a wizard and have no other device to verify the fix against.
I am sure many of you have come across the Error " The answering modem has disconnected, please check your profile" or something to that idea, I spent a week troubleshooting the Problem with Cingular before contacting a friend at Microsoft, who conferenced in a Couple of Engineer from the WM support team and within an hour we had narrowed down the problem and hope that this will help users and software vendors alike. The problem is that WM2K3 and WM5 are slightly different kernels and apps that access hardware like the GPRS modem need to be updated to respond to the new GWES.exe, what happens and I am going to use my circumstance for reference here is that I had City Caller ID, and when I would staart my WIzard GPRS would work fine until the first call came in, then when CCI would try to access the radio and would cause an exception in GWES.exe which would disconnect the hardware from the OS, the Wizard would contiue to operate and due to the fact that error reporting is not enabled by default there would be no way of knowing an error had taken place, so when the next time an application would try to access GPRS the aforementioned error would occur. once I removed to faulting application then service would restore and life in the Universe was happy again. I hope this might help anyone who has this problem, and I do not want anyone to think I am ragging on City Caller Id, Cause I am lost withoiut it, I had an app like it on my Treo 650, and loved to see the locality of callers that were calling me as I do business across the country and like to know who is calling me even if I do not recognize the number. this can happen with ANY application that causes a kernel fault or access the GPRS radio.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2006, 10:38 AM
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very nice, this is a explantion for all devices. As I get errors sometimes myself. Glad to know what it is and thanks for you posting a very detailed writeup on it.
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