View Poll Results: Touch vs. instant
This poll will close on 07-10-2008 at 02:26 AM |
touch fan
anthony67, antjones21, atoy74, blue4shizzle, chickenthan, corpashe, CyberMonkey, DaPeeps, detarx, detroit_doug, dicast, dtuma1980, eder, iamjasonc, imneveral0ne, jovon54, kenmag7577, maleko, martin, meadvalley, mg48, monkeyshack, munnarg, mvpilot172, naiserie, njakobs, No1ustad, ppcme, puertorocken, RobertC1965, setabs, slbailey1, steveoski,, trehouse, washbasin2k
36 |
90.00% |
instint fan
2 |
5.00% |
not a fan of either
2 |
5.00% |
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