Issues streaming - buffer
I have never had problems streaming before. But after flashing to the last rom I have. Not sure if its the rom or not. I used to stream Pandora and Jango through Skyfire and never had it buffer or skip on me. I can't get Jango or Pandora to work now so I have been trying out Last.Fm which is cool. However it buffers all the time after its been playing for a little bit, starts out fine though. I cranked my glyph cache from 32k to sky high, the other standard reg edits to help speed up the phone also, but no success. I am always in EV however with this rom when I click on the connections tab it says I am on dialup... Is it supposed to say that? I never noticed it before on the old roms saying that. Anyway, if anyone has any more reg edits or tips I would appreciate it. I have read through that reg edit thread over the past year many many times and have done what seemed would help. This is my last effort before flashing a different rom tonight.