Originally Posted by wamblej
... a way to remove them without deleting them from my device?
Of course there is. But
how to do it depends on what player you're using. If it's WMP, then I can't help (surely somebody on this forum can). My player of choice is now Pocket Player, which provides at least 2 ways. You can limit the size of files allowed into the player's library database, and/or you can specify which folders the player may browse as well as which ones it is not allowed to browse for media files.
One of the many nice things about using a Windows device for music is that you have your choice of player (vs. iPod's one-player-fits-all concept). For example, I want a user interface skin that gives me the control and information I wish with no wasted pixels. I also want a database overview to quickly browse for tunes on a singles-oriented basis. Pocket Player is flexible enough to provide both of these desires:
Pocket Player isn't free ($20), but there are lots that are free and way better than the stock WMP.