How to run java games with enabled soft keys on Vogue
I have been asked by a forum user to post my keymap guide for running Java games on the vogue, so here goes:
*mods - move to games thread if required, although this is vogue specific. -- Java keymap gaming guide on HTC vogue/Okta Touch, and possibly other WM phones -- This is very much a work in progress, and will be refined. This is draft v1. Required software: aekmap v1.3 http://ae.inc.ru/aekmap.php ae button plus v2.6.6.1 http://ae.inc.ru/aebplus.php esmertec jbed java 20080912.5.1 http://rapidlibrary.com/index.php?q=...+jbed+20080912 Install all three of the above apps. Open up aebuttonplus in programs and do the following key mappings: Hold stylus on the buttons in the list (as per below), it will then show 'do not touch' under the button, this is the current selection, it does not mean do not touch. drop down the box and change to handle by AEBplus, next box single press, next box as below for each button: set 'green button' to 'press left soft key' set 'Camera' to 'press right soft key' or, if you want the right soft button to be the red button, do the below, but the red button will stop hanging up phone and its other functions, camera button will do that instead: set 'green button' to 'press left soft key' set 'Camera' to 'press red button' set 'red button' to 'press right soft key' Ok, that sets up the soft keys. Close aebuttonplus. Now, to do other game keys, my example is the excellent game Devils and Demons.jar (google it), you need to use aekmap. I use aekmap in this game to set 'volume up button' to generate key '*' and 'volume down button' to generate '#'. * is character info and # is spells info. Attached is a custom key mapping file for aekmap, dd.aek. unrar and copy this file into your \device\program files\aekmap. Set your volume now, as you wont be able to set it after the next step. Run 'aekmap settings' (not aekmap.exe), and choose 'Devils and Demons Map' in the top box. The click 'load now' at bottom right. Not sure if you have to click activate too. This loads the key maps for * and #. If you look at dd.aek, at the very bottom: "Key 0076 c0023" "Key 0075 c002A" key 0076 is volume down scancode, which maps 0023 hex ascii character, which is # key 0075 is volume up scancode, which maps 002A hex ascii character, which is * ascii codes: http://www.csgnetwork.com/asciiset.html You can close aekmap, key mappings are now hard coded. You can create your own key mappings for other games, more notes on that below. If you havent done so, install the .jar game you are trying to run. As mentioned, this mapping is for devils and demons and I recommend you load that. Once installed, run it. You may have to open 'Java' in programs first, then run it from there. When it runs up, any soft menus down the bottom left and right of the screen (tick and x) can be activated by the aebplus keys you set up before, green button, camera/red button. Vol up and down do the functions as mentioned above (* and #). If you happen to pause the game, it requires key '0' to resume. I havent set this up yet, or any other 'spell' buttons (3 and 9 I think). Ok, problems will be: When you are finished, if you try and 'unload now' in aekmap settings, it doesnt work! SOFT RESET!. if you already use aebplus, and mappings on the same keys as aekmap interferes with it. To set up other keys in games, find out what key it needs (*, # etc) and then you can run \device\program files\aekmap\aekmapscan - pressing keys on your phone will now show you what scancodes each key generates (i.e, vol up = 0075). Assign keys in the *.aek file (create a new file for each game). SOFT RESET after aekmapscan. Cheers, Divxmaster Last edited by divxmaster; 05-03-2009 at 11:39 PM. |
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Re: How to run java games with enabled soft keys on Vogue
not sure what the problem is there... what games have you tried? As a reference, it might pay to download Devils and Demons and try that out. Then we can determine if it is the procedure or if the games you have tried are trapping keys a different way. I will test some other games also, Cheers, Divxmaster |
Re: How to run java games with enabled soft keys on Vogue
I have tried nfs carbon (non adapted version) and stalker and for both games i cannot get past the "do you want sound -yes -no" part. Tried Devils and Demons and still no luck.
Re: How to run java games with enabled soft keys on Vogue
How about pogo.com. i wanna play the pool to be precise. if i could play pogo games, this would be the app of the year to me
Re: How to run java games with enabled soft keys on Vogue
if you want a good pool game you can check out Virtual Pool Mobile. its fully 3d, and i personally enjoy that game.
Re: How to run java games with enabled soft keys on Vogue
What rom are you running? Im using WDM 2.4. With Devils and Demons, are you stuck at the point where you need to select x or tick? Cheers, Divxmaster |
Re: How to run java games with enabled soft keys on Vogue
Ive installed a newer java version and everything worked. ty alot for such a great guide
Re: How to run java games with enabled soft keys on Vogue
What version did you load? Cheers, Divxmaster |
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