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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 08:33 AM
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Ringer is silent only while ringing


About a week ago, my ringers became silent. I can hear that the speaker is on when the ringer should be ringing; but the ringtone isn't playing.

I have tried changing the tone, and vibrate works fine. I have uninstalled S2U2 thinking this may have something to do with it. However, I still have no ringtone playing when my phone rings.

Has anyone experienced this? Can anyone offer a solution?


  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 10:29 AM
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Re: Ringer is silent only while ringing

if you're running 6.5;; i think i know exactly what happened. if it just started happening out of the blue, i couldn't help you the slightest...

but if you did just start running 6.5 and it's a custom rom, one of the phone skins doesn't allow your calls to come in for some reason, i don't think it's compatable with winmo 6.5.. its the ibliss/iphone dialer.. [it has black buttons and a picture of a tree at the top where you see the dialed numbers, shortens to half a screen while dialing]
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 10:39 AM
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Re: Ringer is silent only while ringing

I have had this same exact problem on my Touch, and Touch Pro. With windows 6.1 and 6.5.

It has a faint sound of the speaker acting like its going to make sound but it doesn't.

I tried everything i could think of to fix it tried changing ring tone directories and editing the registry and I came up with nothing.

What I *think* may have caused it is something with the youtube player as it seemed to have happened after i installed it. I could be wrong.

Only thing I have gotten to work to fix it was a hard reset.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix this problem it would be great.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 01:47 PM
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Re: Ringer is silent only while ringing

Originally Posted by infamousj012 View Post
a custom rom, one of the phone skins doesn't allow your calls to come in for some reason
I'm using 6.1, sprint stock + cokeman's hardspl.

Originally Posted by seanstick View Post
What I *think* may have caused it is something with the youtube player as it seemed to have happened after i installed it. I could be wrong.

Only thing I have gotten to work to fix it was a hard reset.
Very interesting. I've done a lot of crap with this phone's sound (like trying to get various EQs, as well as installing the toxic dolby audio driver), but I can't attribute the issue directly to a single app install... unfortunately.

However, I will uninstall each application one-by-one to see if this helps. Thanks. I'll let you know what I find out, and if a hard reset is the only way... so be it. All I need is my Kinoma, Skyfire, and Google Maps and I'm happy.




I didn't have time, so I just hard reset after using google sync to backup my contacts. Thanks for the input.

Last edited by brand; 04-23-2009 at 02:10 PM.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2009, 12:46 AM
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Re: Ringer is silent only while ringing

Originally Posted by brand View Post
I'm using 6.1, sprint stock + cokeman's hardspl.

Very interesting. I've done a lot of crap with this phone's sound (like trying to get various EQs, as well as installing the toxic dolby audio driver), but I can't attribute the issue directly to a single app install... unfortunately.

However, I will uninstall each application one-by-one to see if this helps. Thanks. I'll let you know what I find out, and if a hard reset is the only way... so be it. All I need is my Kinoma, Skyfire, and Google Maps and I'm happy.




I didn't have time, so I just hard reset after using google sync to backup my contacts. Thanks for the input.

Yeah, I just helped someone with the exact issue, they were on 6.5 BTW and it was possibly the fact she had installed IContact to her phone

She hard reset, installed everything except that and her ringer acted normally

Not saying it was IContact as I dont know if that was on your phone, but something could be similar in that app and something you have installed if you dont use IContact and if it was known would really help to track the culprit down...

Detroit Doug
Did any info I supplied help? take a moment and grant a "Thanks" then

  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 10:57 AM
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Re: Ringer is silent only while ringing

it wasn't icontact I was using. It was photo contacts pro and the problem ONLY happened when I used spb backup to restore photo contacts pro. I didn't reinstall that but installed manually and ringer is just fine now.
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