hardware buttons/screen not responding..
Was going to the sprint store one day to get my phone serviced, I had a oily patch in bewteen the layers of the screen, and I had to constantly calibrate the screen to get it to work correctly, otherwise, when I touch on, or around the spot, it wouldn't receive the correct input.... to flash thought the store part, I ended up buying the tech rep's Touch Pro for 275 (yay0, but I still have a Vogue that I would like to get working and use as a backup phone. Now, when i was at the store, the rep couldnt get my phone to turn on, so I assumed the battery had died (which it had). Once I got home that night, and charged said battery, not only did the screen not repsond, but the hardware buttons won't either :/ I have tried hard reseting through Mymobiler, but it did not help, I know eventually what I'll have to do, is reinstate the phone to active, and make a claim on it, to get it repaired, or will assurion repair phones that were previously on your account?
Or, does anyone have a clue of how to fix my issues?
thanks for all your comments/help.
Sprint HTC Hero
Rooted with Apps2SD
Fresh 1.1 Rom
