GPS Viewer not locking or Acquiring a "Fix"
Here is what I have done so far to my phone:
1. Vogue_unlocker_MFG_2.31.exe (IMCoke's 2.31 unlocker)
2. RUU_Vogue_VZW_WWE_3.14.605.1_Radio_3.37.77_Ship.ex e (Verizon radio update)
3. NFSFAN's WM6.5 V6.R2 ROM.rar
4. NFSFAN Verizon GPS
The GPS Viewer program is finding multiple (10 or more) satellite (I believe that is what the numbers on the "GPS Status" page stand for). But it never shows a "Fix". It always says Acquiring: No Fix.What do I need to do to get a lock? Do I need to do the aGPS fix found on xda or would that not affect me since I don't have a data plan?
My next question is what is the best program to use with a GPS phone (with DATA disabled)?
Thanks for your help!
Update: I did get it to acquire a fix after about 4 minutes - but I don't know that the fix holds... and that was after doing the aGPS update (w/different IP, etc...). Any further help would be appreciated as well as best prog to use w/out data. Thanks!