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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2009, 08:58 PM
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Unhappy HTC Touch minus Touch screen = ?

My Touch's touch screen is suddenly not working. It is not responding to tabs, both through finger and stylus. The actual LCD is working fine.

I tried hard reset few times. I have also flashed it with various ROMs (6.5 to 6.1 to kitchen and so on). So I dont think its a software issue.

Any suggestions on what I can do ? Its out of warranty by few months. I dont have any insurance on the phone. Paying $200+ for a new phone now is not an option in this economy.

Since I did the flashing, its stuck on the "tab on the screen to setup your windows mobile device" screen for the past 24 hours. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2009, 09:01 PM
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Re: HTC Touch minus Touch screen = ?

Add insurance to your service plan on line or by phone, then call it in as lost and they will send you a new one for $50.00.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2009, 12:21 PM
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Re: HTC Touch minus Touch screen = ?

Hmm..Wouldn't they want police report and all that ? I mean, how can I lose a phone unless its stolen ? I know you had the best of intentions and I'm thankful for your help, but I don't want to consider that option.

Is there any HTC repair center in every major city or near Atlanta ? Can I get the touch screen in any online shop ? I saw instructions on how to disassemble the phone and replace the screen. Its easily doable. I wonder where I can get the screen.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2009, 01:15 PM
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Re: HTC Touch minus Touch screen = ?

I think the reason why phone insurance companies are even considering raising the deductible for claims is because of people that say "just have them replace it." It's not ethical to buy insurance and make a claim so soon knowing that the problem existed before you made the purchase to insure the phone. That is called insurance fraud. I'm glad you have decided against that course of action. Now, if you had insurance from the get go, then of course you would make a claim, but not now. I would either buy a new phone or replace the screen and digitizer myself. You can check ebay.

Also, a couple weeks ago, radio shack was having a deal on Sprint Touch phones. They were going out the door for $29 + tax with an extended service contract. In my opinion, that is almost worth it, so long as you are currently on sprint and you don't mind giving them another 2 years.

You can also check with Best Buy. The service they host, Geek Squad, can usually fix things like that for relatively cheap compared to the manufacturer. They quoted me $100 to replace an LCD screen on my digital camera, while the manufacturer quoted me $150. It's always worth the time to just ask.

Good luck.

I found a website that sells the LCD and Digitizer for $29.99: here

You can also just buy the Digitizer alone if the LCD is fine from ebay

Last edited by acontrasto; 04-07-2009 at 09:12 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2009, 03:00 PM
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Re: HTC Touch minus Touch screen = ?

Originally Posted by user60396561 View Post
Hmm..Wouldn't they want police report and all that ? I mean, how can I lose a phone unless its stolen ? I know you had the best of intentions and I'm thankful for your help, but I don't want to consider that option.

Is there any HTC repair center in every major city or near Atlanta ? Can I get the touch screen in any online shop ? I saw instructions on how to disassemble the phone and replace the screen. Its easily doable. I wonder where I can get the screen.

A simple google search for "sprint repair" and "atlanta" came up with 3 right off the bat with google.maps


- www.sprint.com
4400 Ashford Dunwoody Rd NE, Atlanta -
(770) 901-9266
Directions and more »

Sprint Kiosk

- www.sprint.com
4400 Ashford Dunwoody Rd, Atlanta -
(770) 901-9268
Directions and more »

Sprint Store-887

- www.sprint.com
3320 Buford Drive; Ste. 60, Buford -
(67 482-7770

You could check with them, and no Asurion doesnt ask for a police report, if you say lost, they accept that it is lost, if you say stolen, they also just accept it as stolen

Its a phone worth a couple hundred orignal price and worth 52$ on the buy-back program, not a car or something worth thousands

Detroit Doug
Did any info I supplied help? take a moment and grant a "Thanks" then

  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2009, 03:07 PM
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Re: HTC Touch minus Touch screen = ?

Originally Posted by Jalupinja View Post
Add insurance to your service plan on line or by phone, then call it in as lost and they will send you a new one for $50.00.
i got a question to this reply. what if you already said your phone was physical damged and did the claim and paid the 50 deductible. can you call them and say you lost it before you could send it out.

what will happen if you do. besides the phone is black listed.

i wanna do this so i could keep phone for parts
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2009, 03:08 PM
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Re: HTC Touch minus Touch screen = ?

if you take it into sprint repair they should be able to help you without charging you unless you need the whole thing replaced but its worth a shot. might be the smallest thing messing it up.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2009, 03:09 PM
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Re: HTC Touch minus Touch screen = ?

Originally Posted by AL_CAPONE_187 View Post
i got a question to this reply. what if you already said your phone was physical damged and did the claim and paid the 50 deductible. can you call them and say you lost it before you could send it out.

what will happen if you do. besides the phone is black listed.

i wanna do this so i could keep phone for parts
they will charge you the full price of the replacement which i beleive its like 200 buck or somthing like that. i wouldnt try but if you do let us know how it goes .
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2009, 03:13 PM
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Re: HTC Touch minus Touch screen = ?

it looks like your options are pretty well laid out for you. i would suggest calling the repair shops and best buy and such. see what they offer. I believe it's $50 to get a refurb and send in your old one. and if all else fails get a screen off of ebay and replace it yourself. either way it seems the cost is going to be around the same.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2009, 03:19 PM
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Re: HTC Touch minus Touch screen = ?

Originally Posted by moonzbabysh View Post
they will charge you the full price of the replacement which i beleive its like 200 buck or somthing like that. i wouldnt try but if you do let us know how it goes .
that dont make sense. if you really lost it they only charge you 50 bucks. i already paid it. and people make mistakes lol i could of really lost it for all they know lol.

that sux i wonder why they would do that.

anyone else have any input?
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