hello. sorry for being such a noob... i searched google and searched this forum but can't quite find what i need to know... i upgraded my vx9600 to WM 6.1 a good chunk of time ago... recently my messaging stopped opening, the new text message and new email counts don't upgrade and nothing happens when i click on email or txt messages from the home screen, same goes for the messaging button from the program list. i reset it a handful of times, took the battery out, etc... dozens of times.
normally i would take it to the vzw store but they would likely just reflash it back to 6.0 in their attempt to repair... and i would rather not have to do any reflashing.
from here, what should i do? i noticed a "reset to factory default" thing in the system menu, i'm assuming that would reset to 6.1 default and not back to the actual factory 6.0 default that came on the phone... correct? and i'm assuming i would need to reactivate the phone...
would this be the way to go or am i missing something on this.... i'm clueless and any help would be great
many thanks.