While this is kinda mentioned in a couple of the 800 post long GPS threads I thought I would make it easier to see because I searched for hours to find a solution and kept coming up with the standard GPS not working threads -
I flashed RUU_Vogue_VZW_WWE_3.14.605.1_Radio_3.37.78_Ship.ex e to my replacement verizon xv6900 to check it out (thinking it couldn't hurt because I can easily flash to something else) and I just couldn't get the GPS working. I already did the qpst thing, and the reg entries for agps, and enabling location and still nothing. I am using NFSFAN's rom and I knew it the GPS worked fine on my old phone. I tried flashing the Bell rom with the 3.42.50 radio and the sprint rom with the 3.42.30 radio and several other radios and the gps would just sit there searching for satellites but never lock.
Finally I came across a couple of threads talking about how verizon made some modification to the GPS using this flash that made it unusable without the Valhalla Fix. So I tried the Valhalla fix and sure enough google maps started working again. But what's strange is people linked other postings that were supposed to have more details as to what VZW did to change the GPS but on both this board and XDA they were deleted. I don't know if they put something bad in the post or uploaded something they should have but the whole threads were gone, not just the single post.
Did some more digging and and found a post from kyrumo that had the answer. I don't have the link but he said he flashed some old ROMs and was able to get his GPS working again after he flashed the *evil* gps killing ROM.
I wasn't able to follow his steps exactly, but basically I flashed the non-GPS CoKe unlocker (.60 I believe?), then the sprint RUU_Vogue_SPRINT_WWE_1.12.651.1_2.13.00_SPC_NV133_ Ship.exe, and finally re-ran the 2.31 Coke unlocker. After that I flasked NFSFAN's 1.12 VZW rom, had to redo the QPST fix (it got blanked out from all the flashing), and fired up google maps and got a GPS fix in 10 seconds.
I'm not claiming to have discovered any of this, I was just posting it in a central location so hopefully some people in the same boat as me are able to find this quicker on google because I tried using all the keywords I could and I had to go through all this b ecause I flased that stupid verizon rom