Verizon update package ran on my Sprint hacked phone on VZW
Hey guys, long time since ive been here. Been happily using my Sprint Touch on the Verizon network for awhile now. I want a Touch Pro as i am entitled to an upgrade but... its still pricey so im in no rush.. plus i cant 100% confirm but im pretty sure that stuff about them using the same cpu is true which if that is the case and its the same cpu on a higher res LCD it will be slow as molasses and i rather have a faster less equipped phone.
I digress. Anyways i come back here and see that their is (finally) a VZW rom upgrade for the Vogue. I ran it and it installed fine on my Sprint Vogue (running on VZW network). DIdnt fix my roaming problem but thats not really an issue i dont pay extra and i get great reception.
Anyways does anyone know what hte rom upgrade gives you and has anyone does what i did run the rom patch on a non-(bright white) vzw phone?