Hey folks I just wanted to give you a heads us on something in the hopes you are not going though the same thing. If you have bought any music from the sprint music store make sure you check right now if you can place it on your pc. Here is the reason why...As you may know after Nov 6th you will no longer be able to transfer music you buy to your pc only your phone, so since I have bought quite a bit of music I thought I would get started now (now being two days ago.) All what you should have to do is log on to your sprint account and download the music to your pc(simple right?...) Now before I go on any futher one thing I should mention, I replaced my phone a week ago due to some plug and charging issues and when I got it I had to get sprint support to activate it. Now that being said I could still download music like always
so when I went to transfer my music it said on the site that
Your account credentials could not be verified, please register with the Sprint Music Store on your phone, before purchasing content on the Digital Lounge
Click here to send an SMS message to your phone, when you select the deep link on your phone, you will be asked to select a pin, and then you will be automatically registered.
So when I clicked the link it sent me a text and when I tried to registered(mind you I can already download music so why would I have to register again) it gives me so message that says my cabnit is empty. So after being on the phone with tech support the guy says he has to get some help on this be he thinks that I might be......get this ONE OF THE UNLUCKY PPL THAT HAS HAD THEIR DOWNLOAD SERVICE DEACTIVATED!! Wait what? He said that he was not sure but it seems like that is the case. So my question was..why would I be one of the 1% that is is happening to when is shouldnt be happening to ANYONE until Nov 6? I was doing what sprint told me to by trying to copy my music before nov6 and you tell me that you have been deactivating folks without there knowledge? He said he would call me back with more info tonight. I just want you guys and gals to check your music so you dont wait until the last min and get stuck. I will keep you posted.