Originally Posted by j_mee_5
is there a way we can help our 6900 load faster when you click on the window folders.. after i install the TF2D ( which i really LOVE one of the best theme ever ) theme my system runs a bit slower. and when i try to go to the window folder it takes for ever to load up.. like at least 1 min long or some time longer ??? can i just like put some of the TF2D files in one folder in the window folders to help it open window folder faster ???
and by the way i was playing with my 6900 every thing runs slower now and takes longer way longer to load...
i got like 87.29 mb memory left on storage........
68.39mb on program
Dejavu! I could have sworn you asked this question before.. Maybe it was on the M2D thread itself. Anyway.. herg is working on a new release, and I am not sure if he addressed the localization of the files yet to a separate directory. However, there are several sucessful Manilla 2D installs where you can install the core soft into the device, and the additional progs (Opera, YouTube, ect) into the storage card.. This doesn't significantly help the load time of the /Windows directory but it helps for now.