USB modem connection error? Please help
So I've been able to tether before and I went to go do it the other day and I get a "da da da" connection sound when I try to tether. Computer won't recognize the phone. I know I'm doing it right. I flashed to the latest NFS rom and still had the same problem. It works for Active Sync, but no dice on the modem side of things. I even tried a different cable.
Any ideas?
For all you zero's that want the EVO...
Originally Posted by mobius7107
Call the Gas and Electric company up and ask for a free months use, Try the Water Company next and see if they give you a % off for working at Walmart or Boeing. Next time you go to Chevron tell the kid who has been there since 2am that you have been a long time customer and want to know where the free gas is and that you want some Ready Now Service too.