Re: GPS question...
I'm on Negamann's latest since yesterday and its awesome but I'm sure I'll go thru a few this week. I'll probably end up back on Neggaman's or Whosdaman's cause they're both super stable and ultimately that's what I want. To be able to make calls and surf the web. I'll let you know what I run into
Re: GPS question...
how fast are your locks? i did try out GPS (JDs latest rom) and in a clear opening downtown (city park/square) got a cold start lock in 2m(cold definately since my previous lock was at home). guess i cant be near tall buildings to get a lock as u said. |
Re: GPS question...
It varies. I've gotten locks within 30 seconds and as long as about 2 minutes which is to be expected. I've got a TomTom in my car and it takes that long sometimes too. I guess it all depends on your position relative to the sats in the sky. If you're consistenly getting locks in 2 minutes or less I'd say you're alright. Its all about consistency. I've had ROMs get fast locks intermitenly and take 5+ minutes other times. Thats when you want to flash and try others.
Re: GPS question...
On my unit, it usually took over 5 min with DHarvey's. With Negaman's it is more like 2 to sometimes 4 min consistantly and I even got a lock indoors near a window. I may try Whosdaman and compare. Wish it was more like 1 to 2 min to match my dedicated GPS. Right now I am using GPSViewer to prime. I know a bit about hardware and gpsOne and am still not satisified. I agree with hexto, if you are consistantly getting 2 min or less you are likely OK. I am still getting a few long ones of over 4 min.
Re: GPS question...
Good Bye WM...Android Only Always thank those who have helped you |
Re: GPS question...
sounds like a good idea. Right now it seems Whosdaman's is "under construction" and I cannot find links and his thread seems to indicate he may not have updates for a while so I guess I will wait. I have been useing GPS Toggle too, both seem to take about the same amount of time.
Re: GPS question...
I noticed WDM is under construction and it has been since Sunday or Monday. I kinda got lucky I guess. I came home late on Saturday night (Sunday morning) and decided to flash my phone and saw his update available. This is my first WDM ROM but I do like it. Check his thread over at PPCHaven.com. Maybe its there if not send him a message.
Re: GPS question...
i dont think its that consistant. may take 15m or not lock at all sometimes even at home outside.
maybe ill try nega latest or WDM.... got a link to his rom, if under construction, try posting to rapidshare.com |
Re: GPS question...
wdms rom is back up
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