Well i've searched, and searched for a week now learning and testing. i bought a sprint touch, and converted it to verizon. i had a working 6700 on verizon, and have cloned the settings from the 6700 to the 6900. With the ESN, NAM, MSID, SID(verizon), MIN, etc, etc settings in place, and a flash to the sprint rom (no customizations), then a flash to several verizon roms. i get a working phone, i am able to dial voicemail and send receive calls. However looking at the PRL it shows a sprint version. Calling *22800 or updateing the PRL file itself, causes my phone to always say it is roaming?? A call to verizon support to reset my phone, rebuild my account, did not resolve this. Althou verizon says that they dont see me roaming, they see me on the home system, so it appears to just be the phone thinking its roaming. what i have noticed thru all of this is that the PRI version does not seem to have changed. Ive tried radiorefurbish in the windows directory, and that did not change the PRI version either. I am unable to copy another version of that into the windows directory either. I've posted in several forums related to this problem but i dont seem to be getting any ideas, much less answers, so i figured it was time for my own thread. Id greatly appriciate and ideas anyone has on this, thanks in advance.
Radio version 3.42.30 and i had 3.47.?? before as well
ROM 3.02, basic rom i built, but ive tried at least a dozen others
Current PRL 60613 (sprint) no roaming, 51056 (verizon) always shows roaming
SID 21
PRI version 1.33_003