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Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
So unless your on sprint, basically your gps sucks. Two things they have is updated PRI and dling from an AGPS server. Is there any way to update the PRI for verizon without bricking? (maybe using a sprint PPST but doing something special to just keep the PRI)
And this is a long shot but do you guys think it is possible to dl GPS data from Sprint AGPS servers? maybe trick it some way? thanks |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
you can try an updated prl for verizon and see if that helps. prl files are available here: http://www.corolada.com/prl/
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
1 Attachment(s)
I've been told it's very dangerous to use another carrier's prl file. I finally got locks in seconds this afternoon, after making a couple of changes. First, in the registry I changed the SUPL AGPS/ServerIP value from to With that change I noticed that I picked up more satellites, but still no lock. (I have an extra non-sprint vogue that I've been experimenting with so I was able to compare my xv6900 with the changes to the alltel without the changes). Then I added the files that I've attached in the .zip file to the Windows directory. Once the files are in \Windows, just click on 1_SP_AllowCertificateInstall.cpf and 3_SecurityOff.cpf. With 2_SdkCerts.cab, click on it and it will install itself. Soft reset. After that I had locks instantaneously on the device, whereas with the other that I hadn't made those changes, no locks. These files were posted on ppcgeeks shortly after the alltel upgrade, and worked to make the gps work. Obviously use at your discretion, but I've not had a problem.
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
I'm curious - I'm not a techie and don't understan much of the jargon here. I have Verizon's xv6900 and have just used the kitchen along with most recent Sprint Rom and my xv6900 averages about 6 sat locks. Usually locks in around 30 seconds depending on clearness of sky. Even locks in my in home in certain areas pretty quick. Is this the GPS that sucks for Verizon. Maybe my expectations are lower, but I have always been able to get a lock with none of the registry tweaks you speak of. Are you getting comparable speed and just not happy that it isn't as fast as SPRINT or are you just getting no GPS service. Also I live in LA.
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Thanks! Rick |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Sorry for the double post
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
30 sec to lock is slow, sprint users are getting 5 to ten second ones... |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Hmm, I followed them to the t, still no 5 to 10 second locks. I gave up after alittle bit. Does my data connection need to be active? what are you using to prime? any other settings that you might have changed? and last is this 5-7 seconds after a longer initial cold lock?
thanks for your help |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Interesting - just got a hold of the registry settings for SUPL AGPS from a sprint vogue, and in addition to have a different ServerIP (, it also has a Dword value that I didn't have: "EnablePDEIPFromNV "=dword:00000001.
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
I am using OMJ6.1 gps/rev-a and xv6900 |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
update: just made the same registry changes to the alltel vogue, which stopped getting locks after I had cooked the files into a rom last night. Locks on five satellites after a soft reset after making the registry changes. |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
id like to see you start from scratch with a rom, do your changes, try gps, record the time it takes to cold start lock,then do all the changes and try agian and record time. ill try this tonight, but i dont think it was successful. ill let you know. btw my PRI is 51019 version 1.37_002. i guess those files, just let files run that before might not of, kinda like letting developer's programs run by always allowing program to bypass active-x restrictions? |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
curious what are your PDE settings for the verizon phones, check in qpst under the gpsOne tab...
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Any Update?
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Just thinking out loud here. I m not an expert. But the three files posted on page 1 of this thread came out shortly after alltel released its gps/reva rom. So maybe those 3 files work better or only with the alltel radio. So taking this a step further does alltel have an AGPS server? Maybe a match made in heaven for those verizon user. The only reason Im thinking this way is because i used the Alltel Rom with this fix and I recieved locks at my home in 10seconds. That has never happened. I notice though its not working for all that have posted on this thread. Im wondering if the other verizon users are using the sprint radio rom???
It could be placebo for me. I hope not. Ill report back tomorrow if it was. |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
didnt work for me, on ghetto's release, im gonna see if i can use 20270 kitchen and buildos which i never done. maybe newest kitchen helps according to negamann
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Did not work for me, tried the files, Both bell and sprint IP as well as the reg fix. Im on sprint radio 3.42.
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
What radio are you using? |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
radio is 3.42.30 ill try to figure out using the latest kitchen to make own rom, unless someone has a rom already with this latest release that i can try. |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Hm, after reading this thread, I have installed the 3 certs on the first page and then added that "reg hacl" of enable pdeip thingy and now I can also get locks pretty fast inside my house/room which I never did unless I left my phone next to my window.
What's pretty fast? It's my opening gps viewer to prime it and then opening google maps and selected "USE GPS" and having it say that it's already I am using NFSFAN's rom. I'm going to try to play with the already existing settings in the GPSmode to see if I can get something a little more accurate. edit: I now am able to get a lock under GPSmode = 1. It seems to be more accurate. It does still jump around, but under googlemaps, the distance is always one dot or less. So, before I would be always on the roof tops instead of showing it properly on the streets, but now it does seem to show me on the street when I am on it. |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Reporting back from yesterdays Results: (Alltel radio) Tried again today it was 45 seconds to lock. Its still better then my 2 minute to lock average.
I also have a 6900 with sprint rom radio that a flashed earlier today and applied the inquestion fixes. Im not sure if it was the initial lock, but it took me over 5 miutes. Horrible. **Both phones using nexvisions vzw3.7 rom.** |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Well I tried it with my own rom (20270 kitchen) running Sprint 3.42.30 radio (went right from stock to Sprint 3.42 on this phone, never Altell) and it locked in just under a minute with GPS Today as a primer. Google Maps and Live Search can't seem to get a lock on their own. Soft reset, got lock in 50 secs. Very pleased. While there is room for improvement if I can get consistent locks at 1 min or less at least I have something usable. I'll report after more testing.
I did: -GPS Mode was already at 4 (so didn't really do anything) -Added Reg key that was missing ("EnablePDEIPFromNV "=dword:00000001) -Installed 3 files from the thread I did not: -Change the server IP (still at |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Did you test it the GPS on your ROM before you installed everything?
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Now for the bad news. While this helped be get a quick lock initially after the phone was not in use for about an hour I can not get a lock again, even after waiting 5 minutes, even after a soft reset. So this is bassically what happened on the initial Alltel GPS radio with the OMJ rom I was running at the time on my old 6900 (except lock was 5 min plus). After flashing it works and then stocks and never works again w/o flashing (didn't bother with hard reset). So this is not the fix, or certainly for for everyone. I hate Verizon. |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
OK does anyone have an more specific explaination of what each of the 3 files do? :scratch:
After loading them again and soft resetting my GPS worked flawlessly again. Locks even after an hour idle. I'll see if after being idle overnight if they require being loaded again, but clearly these files are having a direct impact (along with the other changes) on GPS for the 6900. Maybe a closer look will reveal a conistent, reliable fix for everyone. :) This is coming from total gps/Vzw sceptic. This is the first time I have seen signs of consistent relatively quick performance (under 2 min, usually about 60 to 75 secs). Still hate Verizon though. :protest: Update: GPS still workin, looks like this may be a real fix. Going to throw up poill to see if can get other Vzw users to try. |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Roland, Does not work for me did you do anything different? What rom and radio are you using? it work with sprint 3.41? And you just clicked on the files 1,2,3 then added the regkey?
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Also after you try it please update the poll in this thread if you haven't already. Trying to see if this is just a fluke or will help people out: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=33156 |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
I didn't change anything other than the ROMs. |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
did you rin PPST.exe? what other AGPS setting you use? e.g. IP address of the server? |
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