Re: Help!!!!
sounds like you're stuck on the bootloader, did that happen while it was upgrading or before or after you upgraded?
Re: Help!!!!
welcome to the site err 'hottie'. try this:
take the battery out for about a minute and then restart...
Creator of iLife ROM Series Best... Member... Ever... |
Re: Help!!!!
if they were in the middle of the upgrade couldn't that brick the phone?
Re: Help!!!!
I have tried all of that. I was in the middle of the upgrade, then is said something like my phone was not connected to the computer.. Now its just stuck
Re: Help!!!!
Ouch ....
Phone History:
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Re: Help!!!!
from everything i know (which honestly isn't a whole lot so someone feel free to prove me wrong) that phone is bricked, i would try manually putting it into boot loader and try doing the upgrade from the beginning, otherwise you may have to go to sprint and have them trade ya