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Old 07-04-2008, 11:32 AM
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Bluetooth music streaming cuts out?

So I bought a Satechi Bluetooth FM Transmitter. When I first paired my Vogue phone to the transmitter it transmitted my music from Windows Mobile Media player through to my car stereo, but when I left the car and came back and connected the phone back to the transmitter, when I played music in the media player it came out of the speaker on the phone only. Phone calls still played through the stereo but not music.

I did notice that when I had first paired the phone to the transmitter there was a little icon in the start bar next to the signal meter that was like a set of headphones or something. But now its gone. Does that have something to do with A2DP?

WHen I goto settings>connections>bluetooth and select the CarKit which is the satechi, Wireless Stereo and Headset are both checked.

whats going on???
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2008, 09:22 PM
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Re: Bluetooth music streaming cuts out?

Originally Posted by winmobilelawyer View Post
So I bought a Satechi Bluetooth FM Transmitter. When I first paired my Vogue phone to the transmitter it transmitted my music from Windows Mobile Media player through to my car stereo, but when I left the car and came back and connected the phone back to the transmitter, when I played music in the media player it came out of the speaker on the phone only. Phone calls still played through the stereo but not music.

I did notice that when I had first paired the phone to the transmitter there was a little icon in the start bar next to the signal meter that was like a set of headphones or something. But now its gone. Does that have something to do with A2DP?

WHen I goto settings>connections>bluetooth and select the CarKit which is the satechi, Wireless Stereo and Headset are both checked.

whats going on???
The short answer is that you have connected only to the hands-free (Headset) profile but lost the A2DP Stereo Bluetooth (Wireless Stereo) profile connection. The headphone icon should be on the top bar on the Today screen if your phone had connected properly to the A2DP Stereo BT profile.

I do not know the definitive method to correct your problem. It may be a hardware issue between your Satechi and WM BT stack. One can try turning Bluetooth on and off on the phone and/or carkit, one can try to "refresh" the device (Start/Settings/Connections/Bluetooth/Satechi/Partnership settings) or try to delete the Satechi device and re-pair it to the phone again. Just give it a few seconds after each method to see the headphone icon on the today screen and hear a connection tone thru your speakers.

Hope this helps.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-05-2008, 12:08 PM
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Re: Bluetooth music streaming cuts out?

The suggestion of yours that worked was deleting "CarKit" and repairing it! Would hate to have to do that EVERYTIME I get in the car.

However, I emailed the customer support at satechi and the rep said that a lot of windows mobile devices will automatically cutoff A2DP in order to give priorty to the "HandsFree" part of a device. The rep also pointed me to Teksoft A2DP Manager which gives you a today plugin with a play button that force turns on a2dp and opens the media player of your choice (via app path in the settings).

So I have found a much easier solution!
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