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Old 06-26-2008, 06:45 PM
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Newbie HTC Touch questions (have searched)...

Ok guys, I'm getting an Alltel Touch tomorrow and have some questions that I didn't find answered in the threads I found while searching.

First of all, there is this huge thread on upgrading the device and getting EVDO RevA / GPS enabled. I understand most of it, however it trail off near the end.

If you are an Alltel user and are happy with WM6, then you can consider yourself done. The ROM is GPS enabled, but not GPS ready so flashing a custom ROM just might be what you are looking for. If so, then continue to step 10.
When I get to this point, I'm confused. What is GPS enabled vs GPS ready? Does this mean I still need a custom ROM (those listed below) to use the GPS? Will EVDO RevA work at this point?

If I need a custom ROM, is it as simple as picking one of the first two, since the other's specify for Spring or Bell? Can someone recommend which one I use?

Finally, after I install this custom ROM, I then upgrade to TITAN 3.35.04 RADIO as per the instructions? What does this do to my phone considering 2 sections up it said I could consider myself done.

After this step, it seems like everything else is for Sprint only?!?

Any advice, links, moans, complains, or anything to help me understand more is GREATLY appreciated. I feel really overwhelmed after reading all of this.

Followup/Bonus ?: If after this point, can I install the TomTom7 software following the instructions? Will this basically make my phone like a true GPS?

Thanks again.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2008, 06:52 PM
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Re: Newbie HTC Touch questions (have searched)...

GPS enabled/ready has to do with the drivers, I believe.

The Alltel ROM has everything but the drivers for GPS. Install those and you're set.

Sprint is releasing a new ROM soon, thus the "Sprint ROM Fever" everybody has right now. Sprint ROMs leak here, we test them, and then they revise them before final release. Meanwhile Alltel has already officially released their ROM, so there is really nothing to tweak except the GPS drivers.

No clue about Tom Tom, though.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2008, 06:56 PM
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Re: Newbie HTC Touch questions (have searched)...

Excellent post. So I can just use the standard ROM and install the GPS drivers and be good to go. What does it mean 'happy with WM6.1'? What are my other choices?

Anyway, install the GPS drivers then I can install or use the GPS functions... sounds good. Thanks again.

And yes, Sprint seems to be the talk all over... Makes me think no one at all has Alltel.
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