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Old 06-17-2008, 08:36 PM
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Caller ID not readable

First off, I apologize if this question has been addressed. I have searched all I can but the one term that I want to search, the search feature won't let me. "ID" is not a long enough word.

So anyway, be gentle.

This is the second Sprint Touch I've had with this problem. When I receive a phone call and the caller ID pops up, the first line of text is unreadable. I can read "Incoming Call", but then the next line which is either, the person's name, or the phone number if its unknown, I can't read. I can see the very bottom of the numbers or letters but thats it. If I reset the phone either soft or hard, it temporarily fixes the problem. Inevitably it comes back within a week. I've managed to get Sprint to replace the phone but the tech was a rather unpleasant lady who insisted it was something I was doing to the phone. I then explained that the phone is completely stock because I knew they would attempt to blame it on me and third party stuff. (I've had 4 Touches so far and 2 have done this, so I figured if it was something I was doing it would recur on all 4) All I have are my contacts and my calendar that I sync with my computer.

So there it is. If you have seen this before or have any input, I would greatly appreciate it so I can either slip through the Sprint store quietly or go tell the lady off.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2008, 09:52 PM
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Re: Caller ID not readable

My touch does the same thing . The only thing that seems to fix it, is to do a soft reset (like you said). But the problem comes back eventually. So, youre definitely not the only one experiencing this.
If I've helped ya, please feel free to hit the button, and as always, Youre Welcome!!

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Old 06-17-2008, 09:56 PM
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Re: Caller ID not readable

Got a screen shot of the unreadable CID? Try disabling Large Start menu...and see if that does it.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2008, 10:24 PM
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Re: Caller ID not readable

This happens to me too!!! Agh, its really frustrating.

And I have Large Start turned off.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2008, 10:34 PM
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Re: Caller ID not readable

same thing mine started when i updated to omjs verizon rom.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2008, 11:42 PM
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Re: Caller ID not readable

Any potential solutions?
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2008, 11:57 PM
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Re: Caller ID not readable

dont worry your ont the only one. i have the same issue on my sprint mogul also.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2008, 12:07 AM
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Re: Caller ID not readable

I tried to take a screen shot of it with my webcam, but its pretty fuzzy, hard to see. I disabled large start menu and its still there. I appreciate the replies and am glad to hear I'm not the only one having the issue. For those that are having it, I was able to get Sprint to replace the phone so you might want to try to take it in. The process went like this, took it in and showed them the problem. Told them I had done the whole reset thing and it came back. They of course took it to the back. They performed a hard reset and said "it seems to be working just fine." I told them, "I told you it would work after the reset. It worked for me after the reset. The problem is it comes back." They then told me that if it came back just come back in and they would order me a replacement. Thats what I've done. Of course just taking it back in wasn't that simple...they had to do the whole diagnostic thing all over again and another hard reset. Thats when I was able to encounter the unpleasant tech lady. So anyway, thanks for the replies. If you come up with a fix, please post.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2008, 12:27 AM
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Re: Caller ID not readable

I as well have been looking around for a fix, mine would do the same thing a little while back. However, it would only do it maybe once a every month or so, but since I have flashed the almost stock oem rom, it seems to be messed up more then its right. I will try and keep and eye out for a solution.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2008, 12:45 AM
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Re: Caller ID not readable

This happened to me on two seperate occasions within a couple days. I just soft reset the phone each time and it has not happened again since then. I don't know how much, if at all, it has to do with rom updates because I haven't messed with the rom at all. Another similar thing that happened to me was that the entire window that pops up and displays the caller id changed locations and moved to the top of the screen, this happened the same time half the words were cut off so I assumed it was the same problem. Sorry, no fix though.
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