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-   -   Making the Vogue as fast as possible ?? all settings? (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=28874)

tom_m 06-09-2008 09:04 PM

Making the Vogue as fast as possible ?? all settings?

Can we perhaps consolidate and list all speed tricks/reg settings/practices/etc. here by chance?

I will even go and help by looking up some other threads and pasting reg settings and what not, though I think that info is fine where it is....

I'm more after other things one can do to ensure the speediest (and possibly longest battery life) Vogue possible. Those are my two concerns.

I'm ok with battery life, I have all the reg settings that make use of suspend features (i think). I just want to make sure my phone is fast and stable now.

I'm using OMJ's custom Verizon rom. My phone has locked up about 3 times within a week or two. I noticed it happened once while typing...curious to know if the HTC touch keypad input method has issues...cuz that's what I was using when it locked up...typing an email/text message. Or if it's completely random.

So any great ideas would be great. I keep looking all over this forum, but info is so scattered. Wish it was all in one place, and if I ever do get all the settings I can, I will take the time to thank everyone by putting together a little guide/list.


jgatter 06-09-2008 10:47 PM

Re: Making the Vogue as fast as possible ?? all settings?
GREAT IDEA. I was just playing with my old 6700 yesterday and was so amazed at its speed... much faster than my vogue... I had forgotten how much faster it is. I truly wish my vogue performed just as fast...

tom_m 06-09-2008 11:15 PM

Re: Making the Vogue as fast as possible ?? all settings?
i was on a i730 before... now its a brick and a pain in the rear, but it was fast. course not as much ram, but cpu was awesome. course i'd gladly trade that for better battery life....but i really want to squeeze as much out of my vogue as possible.

i'll throw everything humanly possible on to the storage card and crank up the glyph cache settings, etc. whatever i gotta do. i want the thing stable, fast, and as battery efficient as can be for being speedy. i'm sure there are some trade offs, i'd like to know what/where so i can make a decision.

tom_m 06-10-2008 12:01 AM

Re: Making the Vogue as fast as possible ?? all settings?
ok. before it gets down too far I'll start listing some settings...settings I already have, hopefully others can chime in. if things get messy - at the end of all this (at some point) i'll condense and re-post. I know there's already a reg edit thread around - but I want to include more than just registry settings. Perhaps practices, theories, etc. How much ram should be in use and free for example. ... how much storage space free? does it matter? any clever mortscript things we can do to help manage how things are operating, etc. what tasks don't need to be ran at startup? those things.

so to get the ball rolling, one link i like for reg settings is this :
aside from the thread on this forum.

jgatter 06-10-2008 12:03 AM

Re: Making the Vogue as fast as possible ?? all settings?

Originally Posted by tom_m (Post 309997)
i was on a i730 before... now its a brick and a pain in the rear, but it was fast. course not as much ram, but cpu was awesome. course i'd gladly trade that for better battery life....but i really want to squeeze as much out of my vogue as possible.

i'll throw everything humanly possible on to the storage card and crank up the glyph cache settings, etc. whatever i gotta do. i want the thing stable, fast, and as battery efficient as can be for being speedy. i'm sure there are some trade offs, i'd like to know what/where so i can make a decision.

i730 ???

tom_m 06-10-2008 09:10 AM

Re: Making the Vogue as fast as possible ?? all settings?
my old phone. was a samsung, fast bugger. but it was too heavy/large. and while the new iphone looks great and all - i just bought the vogue and i'm quite happy with it. i don't think i'd trade it for an iphone to be honest. the touch is so much smaller and nicer. it's by long and far the best phone i've had yet. i just want to make it as fast as possible.

i might even try to yank picsel viewer off that old samsung and see if it runs faster... that was one gripe of mine. that these phones (even though i had a "fast" one before) don't really run things that fast....is it sloppy programming? i don't know.

anyway. i cranked my glyph cache to 64kb. seems to make a difference. i have 8kb on file system and disk whatever cache that are kinda near each other.

I have about 66-67mb free of RAM with nothing open...other than background processes including opera 9 stuff, the 4mb cube, media hub, quick dial, quickgps, tmail, poutlook, quickmenu and some other things that i assume are basic/windows specific.

still curious about what i don't need to be running all the time/at startup.

couldn't find where to set opera's cache files folder... i set ie's to the storage card (by the way new egg has a deal 50 bucks for 8gb microsd). Gotta clean up stuff and move as much as i can to storage card...

Gogeta 06-10-2008 05:50 PM

Re: Making the Vogue as fast as possible ?? all settings?

Originally Posted by tom_m (Post 310254)
by the way new egg has a deal 50 bucks for 8gb microsd

Hmm i was told the vogue could only read up to a 4gb card.

s4n3_0n3 06-10-2008 05:57 PM

Re: Making the Vogue as fast as possible ?? all settings?
i posted allthe regedit hacks that i could find right here http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=28921

imneveral0ne 06-10-2008 06:18 PM

Re: Making the Vogue as fast as possible ?? all settings?

Originally Posted by tom_m (Post 310254)
my old phone. was a samsung, fast bugger. but it was too heavy/large. and while the new iphone looks great and all - i just bought the vogue and i'm quite happy with it. i don't think i'd trade it for an iphone to be honest. the touch is so much smaller and nicer. it's by long and far the best phone i've had yet. i just want to make it as fast as possible.

i might even try to yank picsel viewer off that old samsung and see if it runs faster... that was one gripe of mine. that these phones (even though i had a "fast" one before) don't really run things that fast....is it sloppy programming? i don't know.

anyway. i cranked my glyph cache to 64kb. seems to make a difference. i have 8kb on file system and disk whatever cache that are kinda near each other.

I have about 66-67mb free of RAM with nothing open...other than background processes including opera 9 stuff, the 4mb cube, media hub, quick dial, quickgps, tmail, poutlook, quickmenu and some other things that i assume are basic/windows specific.

still curious about what i don't need to be running all the time/at startup.

couldn't find where to set opera's cache files folder... i set ie's to the storage card (by the way new egg has a deal 50 bucks for 8gb microsd). Gotta clean up stuff and move as much as i can to storage card...

isnt the i730 a nextel made by Motorola?

ahh you mean this one: http://www.phonescoop.com/phones/phone.php?p=667

SCH-i730 :-p

storino03 06-10-2008 07:10 PM

Re: Making the Vogue as fast as possible ?? all settings?
Samsung PDA.


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