Re: incoming calls go straight to voicemail
Thats just what it does... You cant be transferring internet data and call data at the same time. Unless you have At&t, then its possible.
Android. Where you at?!
ABUSE THE THANK BUTTON! In a good way. |
Re: incoming calls go straight to voicemail
I THINK it all depends on if you are sending/recieving data. You can be on the internet, but when loading pages... calls dont go through. Same with sprint tv, or downloading a song. But Im not sure.
Re: incoming calls go straight to voicemail
My calls go through fine but it just interupts your internet connection. As long as you have an Ev connection it should go through unless the program your running doesnt allow it.
Re: incoming calls go straight to voicemail
I think Bizarre is correct. If it is a continuous stream of data, when a call comes in it will go straight to Vmail. If it is something where the data stream isn't continuous like a push email service or maybe an IM client, if it is not in the middle of downloading data, your data session is haulted and you should receive the call.
I have not had any problems receiving text messages while streaming radio (while in EVDO area). |
Re: incoming calls go straight to voicemail
i know its old thread but
When i try to load a page, data arrows are lit and i call my vogue from landline calls go to voicemail. WHen i try the same thing on my titan it interrupts data connection and ev icon changes to ix and i get my calls. hotbyz168 what radion and rom are you running? |
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