EDIT: Sorry, no value in this, just noticed the Radio version is OLD. and the ROM date is from Match, even thought HTC just added this to their site. DON'T waste anymore time reading this.
I just noticed that the HTC site has the Bell update link activated to a new Rom
Posted from the site
Why update the ROM on your device?
The software upgrade posted below provides several key enhancements for your HTC Touch (Bell):

Improves Bluetooth performance, eliminating the need to re-activate Bluetooth after device resumes from suspend state.

Eliminates issue where device freezes in certain situations.
Please read the following important notes before starting the upgrade:
Before you proceed, please confirm that this software upgrade is a newer version than what is currently loaded on your device. If you have the same version and your device is operating normally, there is no need to reload the software. To determine what version is running on your device, refer to the image on the left and note the ROM version, and Radio Version and then on your device, go to
Start > Settings > System Tab > Device Information.