Missing calls Any in call clicking noises?
Just got my "vogue" this week and am having some problems with it. I often toggle back and forth between vibrate and on for my alerts. It seems after a couple of times doing this the phone gets confused because nothing happens and I miss calls. If I happen to see the call alert and pick up there is nothing there, like the speaker isn't working. It will work after a soft reset, but I think I have had to do it atleast once a day. Yeah I did a search and still thumbing through a lot of the info. New out of the box, no mods. Any ideas???
Also when I am on a call and the speaker is working there is always a clicking sound. It drives me crazy. At first I thought it was my ear hitting the touch screen but it continues on speaker phone. Any ideas??
Last edited by KasierSosay; 05-02-2008 at 08:37 AM.