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kbl 04-02-2008 07:34 PM

Re: Best push e-mail client for Vogue?
If you want something that is "similar" to push email but easier on the battery check out PushEffect from Qorefunctions. I found it a bit buggy but worked well when it did. If you have unlimited inbound SMS this works well.

You setup your email to send an SMS through an email gateway or similar when you get an email which then in turn triggers PushEffect to do a send/receive on any mail account. My problem with it was that it stopped working after a couple of days. I didn't have time to mess around with it at the moment so I switched to Seven but may look at it again due to the battery loss I'm currently experiencing.


I should mention that you don't actually see the triggering SMS message... it's transparent.

specv 04-02-2008 09:19 PM

Re: Best push e-mail client for Vogue?
is there any way to setup seven to leave messages on the server after I delete them?

SomeGuyMMS 04-02-2008 09:44 PM

Re: Best push e-mail client for Vogue?

Originally Posted by specv (Post 238899)
is there any way to setup seven to leave messages on the server after I delete them?

No you won't find any push client that allows that. Actually push means realtime syncing of folders, not just notifying you of a new email.

kellybrf 04-02-2008 09:51 PM

Re: Best push e-mail client for Vogue?

Originally Posted by sebo (Post 238727)
i have my sprint email configured as imap, they support both pop and imap.

push mail is great for instant email notification, but i found myself getting rather low battery performance due to push mail - it doesn't really matter what software you use; battery will suffer about 25%,.

right now i'm okay with outlook and 15 minute interval updates, since battery is more important to me than instant email. this is with activesync of course which sucks battery life for some reason.

im getting easily double the battery life with seven then i was when i had outlook checking every 30 minutes

savior02 04-02-2008 10:49 PM

Re: Best push e-mail client for Vogue?
im using mobipush no problems with it or battery issues

Peteman100 04-03-2008 03:08 AM

Re: Best push e-mail client for Vogue?

Originally Posted by savior02 (Post 238967)
im using mobipush no problems with it or battery issues

I liked Mobipush a lot while I was using it. But since I did a hard reset a few days ago, I've noticed that my batter lasts a lot longer without it. But in terms of performance, its great!

Peteman100 04-03-2008 04:43 AM

Re: Best push e-mail client for Vogue?
Because of all the reviews on this thread, I though I would give Seven a try. This might be an isolated case, but it slowed down my Touch like crazy! Pressing the email or text buttons on my Today screen took double the normal time. And email syncing seemed to be really slow to. I also didn't like how it placed a bunch of junk on my Today page and title bar. Did any of you have the same problems? Back to Mobipush, it seems....

Genjinaro 04-03-2008 07:48 AM

Re: Best push e-mail client for Vogue?
Many clients that use exchange server ala ActiveSync are going to beat the battery down. WLM, Seven, Sprint Email, EMOZE etc wont do it as much as anything burning through ActiveSync.

dew.man 04-03-2008 08:20 AM

Re: Best push e-mail client for Vogue?

Originally Posted by Genjinaro (Post 239188)
Many clients that use exchange server ala ActiveSync are going to beat the battery down. WLM, Seven, Sprint Email, EMOZE etc wont do it as much as anything burning through ActiveSync.

Why is that?

I've tried FlexMail, PushEffects, Ensimo(sp?), and timed updates, and Exchange/AS has proven to be much more stable/reliable/powerful with less battery drain.

VW 04-03-2008 08:30 AM

Re: Best push e-mail client for Vogue?

Originally Posted by dew.man (Post 239192)
Why is that?

I've tried FlexMail, PushEffects, Ensimo(sp?), and timed updates, and Exchange/AS has proven to be much more stable/reliable/powerful with less battery drain.

I dont think you can say that Excahnge/AS has been more stable, reliable or more powerful than a flexmail/fastmail solution. With the FM combination I receive emails within seconds as opposed to minutes or hours. All the AS solutions I have used have been less quick and less reliable, and for that matter more $$$ since I pay flexmail only $20/year. How much is activesync push running ya per month?

As far as the power issue, I have rules to sync mail into 7 different folders. My general email and friends folder automaticallly notify me while my possible spam and list emails go into their folders yet don't notify me. The only reason why Exchange push would be better is the abilty to sync calendar and contacts, otherwise flexmail is the best email solution.

As far as battery drain, I notice they all drain about the same. Statistically speaking I think imap idle has less overhead ive read, but whether that means better battery life I couldnt tell subjectively

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