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Old 03-25-2008, 01:43 AM
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Programs/Apps that run on Mogul, but not on Touch??

I am still undecided on whether to get a Touch or a Mogul.

For you Touch owners with "Mogul" experience, do you know of any programs/applications/software/emulators, etc. that you can NOT run properly on the Touch due to it's limited amount of hard keys/buttons (and/or hard keyboard), but that can be run properly on the Mogul because of more hard keys and/or having a keyboard?

Last edited by hugenut; 03-25-2008 at 01:47 AM. Reason: clarify
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Old 03-25-2008, 10:49 AM
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Re: Programs/Apps that run on Mogul, but not on Touch??

One thing for sure, you don't need to run memory managers on the touch :P


P.S. kidding aside, after my first impression coming from a "multi hardware button keyboarded device" to the Touch was that I was missing and needed at least the left/right soft-keys and the ok button, usually included in most of HTC devices.

This Ted Baker Needle design would have been nice, the Send and End on ours are tiny.

Scroll wheel/ball are functional. TouchFlo doesn't work like you think it should as a replacement for scrolling. You just wind up touching the edges for scrolling instead. On the other hand Opera's scrolling works like one would think it should work, if that makes sense.

It's just something I got used to and it was slight a learning curve. Less than a week, that no longer mattered. Since the Touch's screen is flush you can actually just use the on screen buttons.. like you're supposed too.. wow what a concept! On other devices this was not as simple since stuff on the edges wasn't as easily accessible.

Now as for the keyboard, I tried SPB full keyboard, which was cool but just too big and you can't see where you type.

The Touch 12 and 20 keyboards act weird and aren't working well for me at times. The 40 key Touch keyboard buttons are just too small to type on.

IMHO, PCM Keyboard with iphone layout/skin and/or the Resco Keyboard with iphone skin/layout are a breeze and an eze to type just about anything on (if they don't act funny, I am thinking the other keyboard installs might have something to do with this and I am gonna either wipe out the others and try again or hard reset and just install PCM with the layout/skins.

TouchPal just doesn't work right for me, why doesn't the enter key enter? When I hold down the key why doesn't it display use the other 2-3-4 characters on the keys? I think it's just me having to take the time to learn how to use it, but it's not easy or intuitive enough for me, quite a hassle really, concept is interesting though..

hope that helps.

Last edited by clockcycle; 03-25-2008 at 11:22 AM.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2008, 11:07 AM
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Re: Programs/Apps that run on Mogul, but not on Touch??

Anything that is not touch screen capable, or software keyboard capable will run on the Mogul better than the Touch, thankfully that isn't too common. The only program I experinced like that was AoE II, but I might have installed the wrong version.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2008, 11:48 AM
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Re: Programs/Apps that run on Mogul, but not on Touch??

I havent personally found any program that wont work the same on the Touch or Mogul except maybe a video game system emulator.
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Old 03-25-2008, 12:51 PM
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Re: Programs/Apps that run on Mogul, but not on Touch??

You should remember that it wasn't that long ago, PPC's didn't have Hard keybaords.

I was kind of bummed when HTC added the bulky slide out keyboards, I never used them (6600, 6700, 6800).

iPhone fixed that problem quick And now we have the touch.

I love it. Not perfect but a step in the right direction in my opinion.

That said, HiCalc seems to think I have a KeyBoard and locks out the ability to pop one up for entering equations as text.
EVO 4G, Stock Sprint ROM, ProClip in Car, Sony HBH-300.
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Old 03-25-2008, 01:07 PM
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Re: Programs/Apps that run on Mogul, but not on Touch??

Originally Posted by mswlogo View Post
TouchPal just doesn't work right for me, why doesn't the enter key enter? When I hold down the key why doesn't it display use the other 2-3-4 characters on the keys? I think it's just me having to take the time to learn how to use it, but it's not easy or intuitive enough for me, quite a hassle really, concept is interesting though..

Sorry for the thread jack but heres ur fix/explaination

you can have HUGE thumbs and still use this keyboard easily. For ex : the key containing B and M if you are trying to enter a new word into the progs dictionary. press and hold the B/M key and if you want M then drag your finger right, if you want B drag your finger left. if you want the symbol on the top of the BM (greyed color) drag up and then down, if you want the one below BM (greyed color symbol) then simply drag down. to add the new word tap the BLUE colored spelling of it. Hope this helps. Good Luck
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Old 04-14-2008, 02:05 PM
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Re: Programs/Apps that run on Mogul, but not on Touch??

Originally Posted by mswlogo View Post
You should remember that it wasn't that long ago, PPC's didn't have Hard keybaords.

I was kind of bummed when HTC added the bulky slide out keyboards, I never used them (6600, 6700, 6800).

iPhone fixed that problem quick And now we have the touch.

I love it. Not perfect but a step in the right direction in my opinion.

That said, HiCalc seems to think I have a KeyBoard and locks out the ability to pop one up for entering equations as text.
Technically iPhone did not pioneer the "fixing" of that problem since the Touch predates the iPhone...
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2008, 04:58 PM
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Re: Programs/Apps that run on Mogul, but not on Touch??

The only games that worked on the mogul but not the touch are Raging Thunder and Filao Fried Chicken and both for the same reason: no softkeys to enter any sort of menu. AE Button Plus won't work due to some limitation.
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