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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 05-01-2008, 01:46 PM
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Re: How To's For Developing Q & A

Is it possible to use BuildOS without a login? I can't login @ work because of the proxy.
  #22 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2008, 05:57 PM
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Re: How To's For Developing.

Sup everyone,

So regardless of what I tried, I was not able to port any SYS folder from Kaiser (newer build) to my current Vogue Kitchen. Here's what I've done:

1. I used many Sprint WM 6.0 stock ROM (also tried the Alltel Stock ROM and even some Vogue Custom ROMs found in this forum).
2. Decmopiled the stock ROM (aka DONOR ROM right?) and get the OEM, ROM, SYS folder onto a working folder, ran the GReloc tool *without* clicking on the "Do It!" button. Jotted down the numbers in Slot 0, 1 and ROM size.
3. Created another working folder for the Kaiser ROM (WM 6.1 build 19701).
4. Decompiled the Kaiser ROM got my OEM, SYS, and ROM.
5. Moved the original SYS (of stock ROM) to somewhere separate, and copied over the SYS folder of the Kaiser ROM into the kitchen folder where the STOCK ROM is. At this point, I have my original stock ROM kitchen with a new SYS folder from Kaiser ROM.
6. Ran GReloc and numbers showed up different than the first run in step 2 above. Changed the number in slots 0, 1 and ROM size to match with numbers recorded in step 2 earlier. This time I clicked on DO IT button and it said done without any errors.
7. Ran Build OS, and build ROM and flash, and can't get pass the HTC screen. So the tutorial said if it doesn't get pass the HTC screen, copy the WinCE_WLS or some'n like that from the old ROM (stock ROM that is) into the new SYS copied and replaced the folder mentioned above.
8. Rebuilt and Reflashed but no go either.

At this point I'm desperately needing help!! Please give me some pointers.

P.S: I also verified the new WM 6.1 build by using PkgTool after runing buildOS and point pkgtool to the Temp\Dump folder that BuildOS created. I did this before running the actual BuildIt.bat script.

Last edited by vboyz103; 05-08-2008 at 06:00 PM.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2008, 07:27 PM
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Re: How To's For Developing Q & A

Vboyz......here's a tip I got from JD.....when running G`reloc the 2nd time, only change slots 0 & 1, don't change the ROM size.....that should do the trick.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2008, 11:08 PM
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Re: How To's For Developing Q & A

Originally Posted by vboyz103 View Post
Sup everyone,

So regardless of what I tried, I was not able to port any SYS folder from Kaiser (newer build) to my current Vogue Kitchen. Here's what I've done:

1. I used many Sprint WM 6.0 stock ROM (also tried the Alltel Stock ROM and even some Vogue Custom ROMs found in this forum).
2. Decmopiled the stock ROM (aka DONOR ROM right?) and get the OEM, ROM, SYS folder onto a working folder, ran the GReloc tool *without* clicking on the "Do It!" button. Jotted down the numbers in Slot 0, 1 and ROM size.
3. Created another working folder for the Kaiser ROM (WM 6.1 build 19701).
4. Decompiled the Kaiser ROM got my OEM, SYS, and ROM.
5. Moved the original SYS (of stock ROM) to somewhere separate, and copied over the SYS folder of the Kaiser ROM into the kitchen folder where the STOCK ROM is. At this point, I have my original stock ROM kitchen with a new SYS folder from Kaiser ROM.
6. Ran GReloc and numbers showed up different than the first run in step 2 above. Changed the number in slots 0, 1 and ROM size to match with numbers recorded in step 2 earlier. This time I clicked on DO IT button and it said done without any errors.
7. Ran Build OS, and build ROM and flash, and can't get pass the HTC screen. So the tutorial said if it doesn't get pass the HTC screen, copy the WinCE_WLS or some'n like that from the old ROM (stock ROM that is) into the new SYS copied and replaced the folder mentioned above.
8. Rebuilt and Reflashed but no go either.

At this point I'm desperately needing help!! Please give me some pointers.

P.S: I also verified the new WM 6.1 build by using PkgTool after runing buildOS and point pkgtool to the Temp\Dump folder that BuildOS created. I did this before running the actual BuildIt.bat script.

The below 3 folders must be kept as Vogue ROM.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 05-09-2008, 12:31 AM
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Re: How To's For Developing Q & A

@OJM - I have mixed result by not replacing the ROM Size on the second run and here are my findings. Tried it for on of the kaiser rom 19701 and didn't boot. Downloaded OJM's 19716 ROM in the forum here and just extract the SYS folder in OJM's ROM and replace it. Boot up just fine. So my theory is that maybe the Kaiser ROM is a custom ROM and not good for porting????? What ROM did you port your 19716 SYS from OJM?

@Arlen - Please elaborate. Do you mean that I have to copy the .ROM, .VM and Metadata folders from my old SYS folder into the new SYS folder?

Last edited by vboyz103; 05-09-2008 at 12:37 AM.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 05-09-2008, 08:19 AM
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Re: How To's For Developing Q & A

I used 19209 from AT&T leaked Kaiser ROM.

Decompile the Sprint ROM into SYS, OEM, etc.. Folders.

Rename the sys folder to sys-orig.

Decompile the Kaiser ROM into SYS, OEM, etc... in a different directory.

Copy the sys folder from Kaiser into the SYS folder from Sprint

delete the .ROM and .VM folders

copy the .ROM, .VM, WinCENLS folders from SYS-orig into SYS
( I also had to copy some of the Bluetooth Folders from sys-orig for BT to work )

Run G'Reloc and hit "do it" don't change anything.

It will pick up the correct values from the .ROM/.VM folders from SYS.

BTW, if you are getting shady results with this method, make sure you decompile the sprint ROM each time or at least make a copy of the OEM after a decompile. I have seen many times where G'Reloc can screw up the OEM folder if something goes wrong ( i.e. wrong numbers ) and will leave you with a non-bootable ROM.

Hope this helps.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 05-09-2008, 11:45 AM
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Re: How To's For Developing Q & A


Thanks for the tips, I will definitely have to try your method.
  #28 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2008, 03:54 PM
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Re: How To's For Developing Q & A

Alrightey then ...

I completed (after a few tries) a straight port of:

SYS from Diamond 5.2.19588


Sprint OEM leaked GPS + Rev.A

Flashed back to my device and icons are messed up and the desktop appears to be setup for 640 x 480 (VGA) of the diamond.

So, I completed the port, but the finished product isn't particularly polished ... to say the least.

Is this atypical because of the resolution / video differences between the diamond vs that of the vogue (touch) ?

Best regards,
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2008, 05:17 PM
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Re: How To's For Developing Q & A

I was wondering if someone could post a step by step for XIP porting, i have been trying but not quit sure that i am doing it right thanks for the help.
  #30 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2008, 02:17 PM
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Re: How To's For Developing Q & A

Originally Posted by boggsie View Post
Alrightey then ...

I completed (after a few tries) a straight port of:

SYS from Diamond 5.2.19588


Sprint OEM leaked GPS + Rev.A

Flashed back to my device and icons are messed up and the desktop appears to be setup for 640 x 480 (VGA) of the diamond.

So, I completed the port, but the finished product isn't particularly polished ... to say the least.

Is this atypical because of the resolution / video differences between the diamond vs that of the vogue (touch) ?

Best regards,
Anyone care to enlighten a b00n on what needs to be done in order to have a non-VGA port of 19588 working on my touch?

XIP guidance would be delightful, too.


Best regards,
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