not sure if this is the same phone (or if Sprint's in CDMA)?...
Had my htc touch (gsm) with Rogers in Canada since November. It freezes several times per day...unable to do anything but take battery out (soft reset does nothing)...nothing but ActiveSync running. Also, missed calls & text messages (presumably when it's frozen). Also dropped calls, especially if using bluetooth in car. Battery drain is unreal. And, often times, the phone's operation (when it 'operates') is extremely slow. I have had to do several hard resets of mine...which is annoying losing everything. I have not reinstalled my apps this time (last hard reset was this am) to see if it makes a difference. One of the reason's I bought a Windows Smartphone was so I had the ability to customize it (as I did with my hp ipaq before, without a single problem). My daughter has the same phone, with the same problems. Just a crap device! I am SO sick of it now. It's annoying to think that we have 2 years to an upgrade!
Anyone else have similar problems. Was there a way to fix it? Does anyone know of a Rogers ROM upgrade or something in the works?