Originally Posted by Musicman247
Thank you for your well-thought words! Quite eye opening, I must say!
Seriously, though, why do people post crud like this? If you don't like something, either give coherent criticism that the developer can use, or just keep your mouth shut.
Saying that it's the worst does not help me to make it better. Saying that (for example) the animations were too slow, or the icons were too small, or the placement of the Quick Dial Screen was awkward would be helpful criticism. I have heard each and every one of these issues, and have posted solutions to two of them, and the third is in the works.
Sorry to go off on a rant, but when I spend hours upon hours making skins and cabs; when I don't sleep for three days because I'm trying to figure out how to write a Config Tool in VB I really don't want to see some random person come in and trash my work for NO REASON!
Hope you have a great day! 
Sorry if you feel bad for my comment. I just wanted to give everyone a heads up on downloading such a bad cube. I did not call you names or threatened you in anyway... I just wanted to express my deep thoughts on truly how horrible this is. Nothing more.
Originally Posted by Big Dookie
Yeah, it's no big deal. I did download the MacFlo Maker, but I haven't installed it yet. I just updated the path in my registry. But yeah, it's probably specific to my phone, so no worries. I have a feeling I will like this thing even more once I customize it with the MacFlo Maker, too.
Don't worry about comments like the guy that posted below me earlier, because (1) he's most definitely in the minority, and (2) he's probably a jackass in real life as well, so he probably has no friends. Believe me, most of the people on here (especially those who have any clue as to how much work it takes to create a customizatoin like this) having nothing but appreciation for what you're doing. Like I said before, until the MacFlo, I've using nothing but the iCube on my phone practically since I got the thing, so you're work certainly isn't going to waste.
Keep it up!
1: I dought I am in the minority with my feelings. All you have to do is install this cube and you will understand my thoughts.
2: No name calling. I am not a jackass, and I have enough friends to be happy. And just so you know, I write C++ so I understand how much time and effort it takes to make a piece of software like this. I find it futile in his effort for continuing such a terrible cube. Here... I will help you out Musicman... Trash the whole project and start all over again with a better layout. I'm not being rude.. just honest. If you don't adapt, you will never succeed.
Originally Posted by Beachbumcook
If your not happy... then stay of the boards and just use the stock program that came with your phone. If your not happy, then just quit using and say no more and more on.
Everyone, except you, accepts all of these guys efforts for what it is.. their love to program and fortunatley, their love to share their work with the rest of us!! They get paid nothing, yet you post how this "one" is the worst!!!
If you having nothing to say that is nice, or at least constructive, then say nothing and move on!!!! Try it if you like, ask a question or two... and if it does not meet your needs, then just move on to something else or go back to stock!!!
With posts like that, you will have no friends on these boards and there are enough people with enough connections that will rein you in if you get out of hand or wish to carry on in this manner.. or even debate it.
Enough said... good day sir.
Well the stock cube is nice.. but theres better out there. I tried all of them and I truly must say this Mac cube falls flat on its face. First of all, nobody should get offended for a direct crtic like myself. You should consider you unsatisfied users and take all the input and put out something better. No harm in that. Plus remember this is a forum board you you critic and put your thoughts in how much you like or dislike.
Nuff said. =D>