Originally Posted by sabrederek
I would be more concerned by your notidcation type rather than how much. For a few days I was getting alot of emails and I had it check every 10 minutes. Battery would give warning in the evening.
I lost my email service one day and I still had 60-70% that night. started thinking about this and figured where I was loosing power was on the vibrate notify. Switched to 15 minute checks on my primary account and turned off the vibrate for mail. Gee, Battery lasts the whole day now unless I'm in a weak signal home that I visit once a week.
I found out the hard way that weak signal can kill your battery.
I went to Las Vegas last week and saw Blue Man group. I noticed that the signal was really weak (sometimes dropping) in the theatre, but didn't think anything of it.
At the end of the show I decided to turn my ringer back on. My Touch was blazing hot and the low battery notification was on screen, even though I had had over 70% remaining at the beginning of the 1.5 hour show! I was freaking out! I thought something had happened to it, but then remembered the low signal.